Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Expansion Pass (Switch eShop)

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 brought us the biggest soundtrack of the series so far — Future Redeemed, the DLC expansion for the base game, brings us a very small selection, along with some returning songs from previous games. But it doesn't matter, because every single new song makes an impact. Playing on fan's knowledge of the previous games while also creating a jazzier sound for this prequel DLC, Future Redeemed stands as a reminder that the Xenoblade series is top-notch in almost every single department, including music.

Recommended tracks: 'New Battle!!!", 'Cent-Omnia Region (Day)', 'Yesterdale (Night)'

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Venba (Switch eShop)

Venba is a game that celebrates South Indian cuisine and Tamil culture, and the latter extends itself to the beautiful Tamil film industry inspirations that composer Alpha Something draws from. This is a synesthetic journey through a culture that many of us may not be familiar with; a look into the lives of an immigrant family and a mother who wants to keep hold of her roots. And while Venba is a short game, its story, visuals, and music will leave a lasting impact.

Recommended tracks: 'Chellakutty', 'Thulludhadi Valasu', 'Raasa'

Super Mario RPG (Switch)

We've already seen Yoko Shimomura return to her SNES Square roots before with 2022's Live A Live remake, and in 2023, the legendary RPG composer has done it again. Super Mario RPG's rearranged soundtrack is utterly glorious — a full symphonic reimagining of the original 1996. Iconic songs have been given a whole new lease of life with these updated arrangements, and not a hair is out of place. Oh, and if you're not as fond of the 2023 renditions, you can swap back to the SNES originals in-game. What's not to love?

Recommended tracks: 'Fight Against a Somewhat Stronger Monster', 'Rose Town', 'And My Name's Booster', 'The Merry Mary Bells Ring'

Vampire Survivors (Switch eShop)

Okay, we're being a little naughty with this one — Vampire Survivors is technically a port, but it was in early access for so long before fully releasing in late 2022. So please, give us this one, okay?

We think that, if you give any of the game's music a listen, you'll forgive us. Vampire Survivor's music nails the brief perfectly — this is music to switch your brain off too and obliterate thousands of undead and magical creatures. We all know of the game's infamous Castlevania-inspired visuals (at least back in Early Access), the plenty of the tracks take cues from the greats, too.

Recommended tracks: 'Copper Green Intent', 'When the Clouds Drown', 'Song of Mana', 'Forest Night Fever'

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (Switch)

Falcom delivered us three games in the Trails series — two mainline, and one spin-off — in 2023, and Trails to Azure is the clear winner on all fronts. Its soundtrack is no exception, bringing that Falcom Sound Team jdk flare with your expected mix of high-octane, epic boss music, exciting dungeon tracks, and some beautiful tearjerkers. Fitting for Azure, which is probably one of the most emotionally intense games in this long-running series. Perhaps we'll see Trails on 2024's list with Daybreak?

Recommended tracks: 'A New Daily Life', 'A Barrier to Get Over', 'Mystic Core', 'Unfathomed Force'

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line (Switch)

Is this one cheating? Well, this author thinks probably, but this is the only way she can get Final Fantasy XVI on this list, so hey?

Seriously, though, it's basically impossible to have a list of the best Switch soundtracks of the year and ignore Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, which brings together over 380 Final Fantasy songs, plus some additional Square Enix bangers from Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Bravely Default. And plenty of the game's original compositions — like the ProfiCards Menu music and the Battle Arrange Medley — are fantastic. We just wish the Pixel Remaster music was here — which deserves a special shoutout.

Recommended tracks: 'THEATRHYTHM FINAL BAR LINE Special Battle Arrange Medley (Various)', 'To Sail Forbidden Seas (Final Fantasy XVI)', 'Museum (Valse Di Fantastica from Final Fantasy XV)'

Trombone Champ (Switch eShop)

Did you know that the official soundtrack for Trombone Champ is called 'Wow I Might Refer To This As Tooting'? No? Well, now you know why it's here.

Look, original tracks like Trombóne Fuerte are fun and all, but we promise our versions of Strauss' 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' or 'Auld Lang Syne' are better than anything else you'll hear all year. Wait... where are you going?! Stay here!

Recommended tracks: Oh come on now...

Those are our picks for the best Nintendo Switch soundtracks of 2023. As we mentioned above, we tried to stay away from ports — though Vampire Survivors' full release on other consoles last year meant we were feeling a bit cheeky with that one.

Anyway, if it's an amazing video game ports or remasters with great soundtracks you're after, here are a few honourable mentions:

What are your favourite video game soundtracks from 2023? Make sure you vote in our poll and tell us in the comments below!

But wait! Don't forget to check out our Game of the Year Staff Awards and our upcoming reader-ranked Best Switch Games of 2023 list to have your say.

What's your favourite Nintendo Switch soundtrack of 2023?