
Topic: Shovel Knight Release Date Announced!

Posts 41 to 60 of 62


Tops wrote:

There are only so many ways to make an informed decision before buying a game and I don't think it's unfair to consider the price in that.

It's not unfair to consider price in that at all. It is slightly unfair, I'd say, to start assigning dollar values based on assumptions, and then conclude that something's selling for too much. That's not fair in any way to any game, at any point.




I really really hope a review hits today or at latest tomorrow. I need to know which version I need to get!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


Spoony_Tech wrote:

I really really hope a review hits today or at latest tomorrow. I need to know which version I need to get!

Yes a review would be good to have before it releases Thursday so I can find out the differences between both versions and make a decision on whether to get the Wii U version or the 3DS one though I'm leaning toward the Wii U version.

Bah weep granah weep nini bong


IGN liked it so it must be good!

I don't like how they lumped all the versions though into one review. Oh well, looks to be good.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


I've been playing a bunch of it due to getting an early code.

It really is excellent.

“A thing may be too sad to be believed or too wicked to be believed or too good to be believed; but it cannot be too absurd to be believed in this planet of frogs and elephants, of crocodiles and cuttle-fish.”
― G.K. Chesterton


15 price tag killed it for me. with tax be almost 17 pass



Yeah, this game is fun. Passing it up because it's slightly more than a third of the cost of a full retail game is a shame. The game is clearly worth the price to me.

A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.

3DS FC: 1332 7785 4494


slidecage wrote:

15 price tag killed it for me. with tax be almost 17 pass

Gotta love gamers these days.

PSN: mangaJman
SSBB FC: 1204-1132-2888
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Once you see you can never unsee

3DS Friend Code: 5155-3100-6367 | Nintendo Network ID: Justinius94


The amount of content and effort is easily worth the price. I'm floored by how much there is to do in this game.

“A thing may be too sad to be believed or too wicked to be believed or too good to be believed; but it cannot be too absurd to be believed in this planet of frogs and elephants, of crocodiles and cuttle-fish.”
― G.K. Chesterton


Hey did anyone get the EU version with a theme download code? I tried entering my code on the theme shop but it's not being recognised :/

always thought I'd change to Gyarados after I turned 20 but hey, this is more fitting I guess. (also somebody registered under the original Magikarp name and I can't get back to it anymore orz)

3DS Friend Code: 3952-7233-0245


^ Same here...
The error code I'm getting (009-2995) is supposed to indicate the 3DS can't connect to an access point, but I'm right next to mine, so that can't be right.

Edited on by Drawdler

Myland's Dream Address: 6500-2329-0504 | darkSpyro | Ghostroaster | Reddit

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7661-4611 | Nintendo Network ID: Nibelilt


Same issue here. Though if you look at Yacht Club Games' twitter apparently Nintendo hasn't actually put the theme up yet. Everyone is having the same problem. They're suggesting that we wait 'till tomorrow and it should be up. TBH I'm surprised the game is even out now, I was thinking maybe next week for it. So I think I can wait another day for the theme.

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


It's working now. It's a cool theme, I think I'll leave it as mine for now.

Myland's Dream Address: 6500-2329-0504 | darkSpyro | Ghostroaster | Reddit

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7661-4611 | Nintendo Network ID: Nibelilt


Jazzer94 wrote:

Gotta love gamers these days.

Well people have got used to certain prices for indie games. So when something comes out on the high-end of that pricing window, people naturally think it's just being over-valued. Which might be true (haven't finished it yet), or it could just be that the game really does contain more content or more value.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


I've only got to play it for about 15mins so far (I normally play my 3DS on the train but I wasn't able to get a seat recently!) but how do you to turn on the Streetpass feature?

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


arronishere wrote:

I've only got to play it for about 15mins so far (I normally play my 3DS on the train but I wasn't able to get a seat recently!) but how do you to turn on the Streetpass feature?

You have to go to the Streetpass Arena and talk with the big skeleton guy. After that you can record a battle ghost where you collect 7 red gems in about 5 seconds for 3 rounds and it will send your ghost to people who have also created a battle ghost. Keep in mind that when you get a streetpass for this game, your battle ghost acts on its own so it will collect the gems the way you did for all 3 rounds while the opponents will do it in their order too and depending on who gets to the gems first in the recording, they get the points. Whichever gets the most gems in 2 rounds wins (it'll still do the 3rd round but you just have to win 2 rounds to win). You get 200 gold if your ghost wins and if you lose, you don't get anything.


3DS Friend Code: 0447-5046-0418 | Nintendo Network ID: SuperPokefan95 | Twitter:


damn the game is way harder than i thought it would be. i am almost at the point where it gets too frustrating and i could regret my purchase. i already got 3 new point on my lifebar so i have a better chance surviving. the controls are kinda annoying. shovel knight should run a little bit faster in my taste. i play with the circle pad, because doing a down-attack with the d-pad is too clumsy for me. i am losing so much gold, because i die so often in the levels. sometimes i get the gold back but it gets harder and harder.

can you guys give me any tips? like what items i should buy? is the angel good? or that firestick?

Edited on by 6ch6ris6

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


Tops wrote:

@Barbiegurl777 I totally understand why you would feel that way. I'm glad I got it on sale because it's taking a bit of getting used to both visually and in terms of gameplay. Shovel Knight and some of the enemies seem small compared to the rest of the landscape and it's very counterintuitive that the B button is used to confirm things.

only if you only play on nintendo consoles. every other console uses the bottom face button for confirming etc. it took me some time to get used to nintendos layout. i was playing playstation and xbox before i got obsessed with nintendo. still do not like the nintendo layout though.

you should not get the game. i think you said you regret getting megaman because it was too hard right? well shovel knight is easier BUT still very hard and sometimes frustrating.

i played the game more now (5 hours total i think) and it is getting easier because i bought more items. some sections can only be done with certain items i think. or they are at least way way WAYYYY easier with those items!!

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


Any word about when the free DLC is coming out?


3DS Friend Code: 0688-5519-2711 | My Nintendo: pokefraker | Nintendo Network ID: pokefraker

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