
Topic: "People who can't afford to play video games shouldn't be gaming"

Posts 21 to 32 of 32


All i have to say is Path Of Exile. It's a great Diablo clone free to play and if you can't afford free you are in bad shape.


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


@Onkel_Laser At least in the United States, reading is probably the cheapest hobby since you can always go get a free library card. But even there you may not get to read what you want, when you want to.


Nintendo Network ID: DarKnyht


In my honest opinion, I think gaming is more affordable than ever. Outside the initial cost of a console or a PC, games themselves are more affordable thanks to sales.

With that in mind, if someone who can't afford every major release gets a console as a gift, these sales are a great way to get some games. I'll also add that free-to-play games are an option. Also, it is possible someone gets a console as a gift and it includes a game, whether it's a bundle, or just a game gifted with the system.

I wouldn't rule out major game releases. Someone may put pocket change aside, and save it up for that one game they really, really want.

Edited on by Sunsy

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!


Honestly, I'm still not finished with my Wii games, and a large backlog of PS1, gaming can be done on a budget very easily.



Rubbish, go and get a cheap PC and, download MAME and a 10,000 game set, happily game for the rest of youir life. Or buy older systems that are not yet trapped in the 'Retro' zone. The Wii is a fantastic system to colelct for, tons and tons of amazing games that few people know about and so are still cheap.



Onkel_Laser wrote:

Gaming is not cheap? What is a cheap hobby then?

Bird watching, you can save some money by just taping some toilet paper rolls together rather than buying binoculars.

Collecting pennies in the street, this will actually make you money.

Church, just avoid the collection plate at the end.

YouTube workout vids, if you're too tired or out shape you don't have to join along and can just watch it instead.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I have some money to buy games I collected 590 gamecube games I don't think there's been any good consoles except wii, 360 games aren't great or PS3 or PS4. I dont think there's much out lately I mean teres over 2000 games on switch but none are any good I looked at reviews of them on nintendo life about 250, which are good reviews ( written well I mean ) not one of them sound great ( my God 250 games and none any good ) but 3DS is very good 🏆



Well, we couldn't really "afford" games during my childhood, but I don't feel like I had missed out on very much.

The overwhelming majority of games that were purchased during my childhood were shareware games on floppies from the Sunday "computer market" which was situated throughout the North Rocks shopping centre in Sydney. Occasionally, I would spot commercial releases of PC games in electronics stores, but we couldn't afford them, or at least I wouldn't dare ask for them (I seem to recall seeing a boxed copy of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, an Apogee/3D Realms release that utilised an enhanced version of the original Wolfenstein 3D engine, that had made me green with envy at the time). A few years later during my high school years, a dear friend of mine would hand me his CD copy of Planet Strike, which was the sequel to Blake Stone. I have since purchased the digital 3D Realms Anthology. Apogee was my favourite developer/publisher in my childhood and I have a soft spot for their catalogue.

I also used to collect the PC Genius magazines, which came with floppies containing educational games (six new activities per issue pertaining to a certain theme). They were a fantastic resource for my young mind at the time, but we had stopped buying them after issue 11 as my parents stated that they could no longer afford to keep buying them, which I was a bit gutted about at the time as I enjoyed them so very much. 3 years later, my parents had also stopped buying me Goosebumps books as they had found that to be too expensive as well (and I had only bought them once every so often).

With educational software and literature often being out of the question, leisurely games were not even a consideration. I simply didn't ask for those kinds of luxuries. By contrast, my younger brother, who is over 12 years my junior, was (and is) spoiled rotten, and continued getting leisurely games even when his grades were abysmal.

I also had some of those funny shaped PokeROM discs, which were educational maths/quiz games that were released to coincide with the second Pokemon film (they were AU$10 each), and each disc added extra content to the included Pokemon Sanctuary application.

When the internet came along (and after discovering what ROMs were) I had downloaded some GBC games, especially the Pokemon games, as I couldn't afford a Game Boy, and I so, so wish that I had one growing up as I fell head over heels in love with the original Pokemon games. I couldn't believe that a handheld gaming device could run games in colour on a couple of AA batteries. It was absolutely revelatory to me at the time, and how I wish that I had a Game Boy Color during those long and tedious road trips. Fortunately I now own all of the main series Pokemon games in some form (except the original Ruby/Sapphire and FireRed) and no longer have to resort to "other means" to play the games.

When I eventually bought a Nintendo DS with whatever little pocket money I had in June 2005, I only had The Urbz: Sims in the City for several months (and I had completed it about eight times until I bought my next game).

I think I am a little too spoiled for choice nowadays and I have too many games than I know what to do with, but during my childhood, I mainly only played shareware titles, and the odd commercial edutainment game. Back then, we had to buy shareware games, but now, even the most frugal of gamers have an abundance of free (and legal) options at their disposal, so it's not exactly an expensive hobby for those who stick to what they can feasibly afford.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


if they are not going to make games affordable then everyone will just buy the cheaper indie games and they lose to competition. slow clap

telling your customers they shouldn't buy your games if they can't afford it is equivalent to financial suicide.

also say what you will about capcom, but at lest they are making an effort to improve and be better recently even started making megaman games again. which is more then we can say for > Konami <



There's people in the world who spend their money on MMOs when they don't eat healthy. How is this even controversial? Of course you shouldn't spend your money on video games if you can*t afford to. Also, it's never been cheaper to play video games if you're willing to not play the most demanding AAA game on a high end PC. There's literally a €60 mini console with almost all good NES games that you can buy. Adjusted for inflation, I paid €80 just for Kirby's Adventure back in the 90s. No one back in the 90s considered having the latest games a right, it was something that you had to work for.



Hazarddex wrote:

telling your customers they shouldn't buy your games if they can't afford it is equivalent to financial suicide.

Telling consumers that is bad PR, but every company acts that way. Especially in the mobile market, where companies have strategies to get rid of non-paying costumers. Extra Credits mentioned one time how a mobile game dev talked about how to get rid of low or non-paying costumers.


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