
Topic: Save Data Deleted?

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My daughter got a Switch for Christmas. She created a profile, and started playing. She did not create a Nintendo account, just a player profile. Today she wanted to link her Switch to my Nintendo account so she could access online play and some of our downloaded games. When she did, it deleted her profile and just had mine. Is all her save data gone? If so is there any way of recovering it? She said there was no message or warning about deleting save data by linking her switch to my account. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I think so, since there wasn’t an account tied to the profile, i have to assume it worked like a guess account, so by linking her switch, yes it filled the role of the account, making the other disappear. Tho I could be wrong because I didn’t even know you couldn’t make an account.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

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@DSH7 If she made a switch user on the new switch, and had game progress on that user, I'm fairly certain linking that new switch user to your nintendo account would discard/delete whatever game progress she'd created.

There's also a future problem if you're using a nintendo account on two consoles. While wifi is on, the switch system will not allow two consoles to play using the same nintendo account at the same time.(an anti piracy measure) If you want her to have freedom with her new switch, she'll need her own nintendo account and a nintendo switch online subscription for that account if she wants to play online.

That also means you may have to buy second copies of games, if you want to play the same game on two consoles at once.

If you want more than one nintendo switch online subscription, the family plan is the cheapest way to do that. For less than the price of two subscrptions, a family plan allows up to 7 or 8 users to access NSO. You can upgrade a individual NSO subscrption to a family plan, if you want (rather than having to pay full price for a family plan).

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

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