
Topic: Proof That the Wii U Marketing Was Terrible

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So I've been bringing my Wii U to work for the last few weeks to show off some of the games on it to my coworkers. We've had lots of fun between playing Nintendo Land, Game & Wario, and ZombiU. Here's the kicker: They are all surprised at the number and types of games that were available on the console. One guy who tends to prefer his Xbox says he would have gotten a Wii U if he'd known there were games like ZombiU on there. Another actually owned a Wii U and sold it because he didn't feel like there were that many great games on the system. He told me today after playing some more ZombiU that it's making him wish he'd never sold his!

Anybody else ever encounter situations like this? When the system was actually current, I didn't have a problem with the marketing and knew what games were available because I kept up on the news, but looking back it's obvious some of the missteps they made--especially when compared to the Switch!

My Monstrous Backlog: Gloorg

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7090-4051 | Nintendo Network ID: 5DigitLP


Everyone and their mother knows the Wiiu had terrible marketing. Why do you have to repeat this with a thread?

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@FiveDigitLP There are people who didn't even know Wii U was its own console. I've heard people say they thought it was some kind of add on for the Wii. A marketing course in university could use the Wii U for an entire chapter on how not to market a new product.

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@MsJubilee Why being so rude? I think it's a pretty valid discussion, even though we all know WHY it failed.



I've said it a few times here over the years but I think saying it was marketing is too simple. It was a combination of things. At the time the market was geared up for new, high spec consoles. The Wii U wasn't that. Also it's biggest appeal was it's semi portable nature which, tech wise, wasn't quite there yet.

It was also a great console in the sense that it was the first HD Nintendo console. But it took a good couple of years to get great content.

Ultimately, the Switch did everything better.

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Man, I wish I could upvote comments posts on here.

@Heavyarms55 I'd definitely like to see that added to universities. It'd be interesting.

@skywake You have some good points. I definitely have always been in the boat that the marketing didn't play a big role in the failure of the Wii U and that there were so many other things. However, after talking to a few people that really didn't know what it was about or the kinds of games it had, it makes me wonder how much of a role it did play.

My Monstrous Backlog: Gloorg

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7090-4051 | Nintendo Network ID: 5DigitLP


@MsJubilee sounds like this thread is more to share the experience and garner similar experiences from others. I found the post interesting @FiveDigitLP ! Unfortunately both me and my friend had Wii U's from launch and while my friend soured on his, I kept buying games, adding them to the backlog and never getting round to playing most of it!

See ya!


@ralphdibny I feel ya! I definitely have a decent backlog for my Wii U and already have one for the Switch that is fairly sizable. I really need to just stop buying games until I play them, but it's so hard when I see them on sale!

My Monstrous Backlog: Gloorg

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7090-4051 | Nintendo Network ID: 5DigitLP


@FiveDigitLP I think I have backlog dating back to the wii and PS3! It's crazy but I will find time....some day

See ya!


Don't need proof that the Wii U had poor marketing. It is very much common knowledge with gaming enthusiasts. It is a shame too, because I think the Wii U is a far better system than its predecessor. It also had unique features that were not utilized very well from developers.


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