
Topic: Chrono Trigger on DS?

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I never had to the chance to play any popular DS games when it was at its peak, so I was hoping I could start a collection now. One game I was thinking of buying is the Chrono Trigger port since I've heard so many great things about the game. I was wondering if this port in particular was any good compared to other platforms.



Yes it's every bit as good as snes. It has the cutscenes of the Ps1 release as well! The battles also load much faster than on the PS1 version. It was rediculously slow there. If you've never played chrono trigger you're in for a real treat!

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Optimus Prime


I highly recommend Chrono Trigger on the DS. It was my first pass with that game, and I loved every moment of it. It isn't too long, has a unique combat system, memorable characters, and a ton of replayability.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Same. My first and only playthrough. It's a quite interesting game.



Play Chrono Trigger on either the DS or the Android upgraded version. It's first release was really bad but they updated it since then to a difinitive edition that is similar to the DS version (and I think it also have a new ending). It also have cloud saving.



Thank you guys so much for responding! I know what my next game is going to be now lol



@BlueOcean Definitely! I need to go back sometime and try for some of the other endings.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx For some reason, I liked Secret of Mana more, I know it's not a popular opinion.



@BlueOcean I... actually haven't played Secret of Mana yet outside of a brief look (a few minutes) on the SNES Classic. I hope to properly play it through Collection of Mana. I played Final Fantasy Adventure a few months ago and really enjoyed it.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I still have my original SNES cartridge. Now if only I can find a SNES that will work with HDMI.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


The DS port was great and I actually played it "all the way through"

"They say video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock n' roll."


I know $50 would be a low price for the SNES cart, but that much for the DS version?
Did it suffer from the same effect as Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon where it was cheap for years, then shot up?
I know SE themselves was selling it for $20 new for years.

But yes, definitely the most recommendable version. I only really tried the mid-game new dungeon and it didn't feel like it added much to the game, but the original content was done about as well as could be hoped for in a DS port.
Way better than the PSN which had unfortunately limited itself to properly preserving the PS1 original, which meant presenting it in the same poorly-emulated state it was originally sold in. (it had literally the same glaring sound emulation problems that 1999-era fan-written SNES emulators had.)
But with the DS port, they bothered to make it look and sound as close to the SNES original as they could.



I got it and beaten it a while back and its by far one of the best games i've played.


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