
Topic: I really HOPE Nintendo experiments with other movie studios

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I honestly don't think ILLUMINATION is focused on serious quality. Some studios I would like to see them collab with are CoMix Wave Films, Laika, A24, Trigger, Aardman Animations, Studio Ghibli, Studio Chizu, Annapurna Pictures to name a few.

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.


@Vivianeat to illumination’s credit, their movies has always aimed to look visually appealing, no matter how garbage the story is. And they usually go for family friendly fun, nothing masterpiece calibre. I mean, Despicable Me is a masterpiece, but that’s the extent of it.

I don’t know a lot of those companies you mentioned. But I do know Aardman. Now I’m curious as to how a movie made by them and Nintendo would even function! Sign me up!

Edited on by TheBigBlue

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@TheBigBlue Despicable Me was great but it went bumpy/downhill from there. Aardman can do PIKMIN, Laika can do Kirby, Ghibli for Zelda, Trigger for Star Fox, CoMix for Earthbound are some examples.

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.


Earthbound film by Aardman would be the trippiest thing I will ever watch but I would still be there to see it. Like that will ever happen.

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@TheBigBlue Let's hope Nintendo didn't sell their soul to Illumination and ride the bs "smash universe and everything must connect" trend.

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.


It's really, really doubtful that Illumination's usual formula would work for something more serious like Zelda. Which means that either Nintendo will look for someone else for that hypothetical movie (or do it themselves), or they'll make Illumination leave their comfort zone.



I think Nintendo's gonna stick with NBCUniversal for animated productions - but that includes DreamWorks, not just Illumination. And DreamWorks strikes me as an excellent fit for something like Zelda. I do wonder what they'll do if they venture into things like live-action, or cartoon shows, though. (My personal wish would be having the team from The Amazing World of Gumball handle a WarioWare cartoon - the series is already perfect for a cartoon, but I think that crew could do a really good job capturing its zaniness and incorporating varied artstyle elements, not to mention Get It Together's cutscenes already aped the whole "cartoon characters against photographed background" thing)



To me it's less the company that matters and moreso the talent behind the film in particular. Tell me they're making a Zelda film? I'll half-raise an eyebrow. Mention it's being directed by Genndy Tartakovsky? SON OF A BULLET BILL, I'M IN

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@N00BiSH I think Genndy could do a really good F-Zero!

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.


@Vivianeat I don't think any of those studios will work with Nintendo... I'd like to be wrong but I highly doubt it.

dysgraphia awareness human


@Owl1 Let's hope so. The Mario film was a bummer. Felt so shallow :C

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.


I really hope Nintendo never works with Illumination again, or at least on any IP outside of Mario. If they ever do something like Zelda or Metroid, it would absolutely have to be done by a better studio for the sake of my sanity, and the quality of the movie. Put Dreamworks on a Zelda movie with a Puss In Boots 2 art style, and you’re golden.

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@Vivianeat I think Nintendo is going to stay with Universal for the long haul since they have their theme park.

AND YES, DreamWorks could make a Nintendo movie and probably will sometime in the far future because currently they are very busy with other projects including Shrek 5 and a Donkey spin-off.

dysgraphia awareness human


@Vivianeat didn’t trigger do that animated star fox short for star fox zero?



I don't have an issue with the Mario Movie, I get some people have an axe to grind but I feel Illumination fits Mario very well. But definitely, a Zelda or Metroid movie would need a very different approach. Much higher bar to clear for a movie

Also almost surely why Mario was picked first

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@StarPoint They need the talent behind Boots 2. That team made one of the best modern animated films ever!

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.


@Greatluigi Are u talking about the Wii U short?

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.

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