
Topic: Microsoft and Sony partner for streaming

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It appears the comments about Xbox becoming a service were true.

Hopefully this doesn't mean the end of physical media.

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


@Trajan I still don't buy it. Steaming faces two major hurdles that just aren't going away any time soon. First is internet speed - we are far far away from the average internet speed being able to handle the speeds needed for nearly lagless streaming of games - remember, unlike movies, streaming games is two way, you have the gamer's inputs going back to the server, the server running the game and sending the visual back to the gamer, that's a lot more going on. And second is data usage. Over vacation I was using my phone as a mobile hotspot to play online, and just using it for something like Tetris 99 for a couple hours raked up a decent little bit of data. Just for the connection with my Switch doing all the actual visual work. Now imagine sending everything, HD video, and all the connection demands! That will eat through data really fast.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


If they really do Streaming games for their next consoles, that means "Sayonara / So long suckers / Adios / Buh Bye / See ya" from me.
Streaming games is a Big NO NO for me.



@Heavyarms55 Apparently they're doing it now for PS3 games. I'm not a subscriber for the game pass or whatever its called though. Maybe someone who is can tell us how it is?

@Anti-Matter PS5 is confirmed to have a disc drive. It'll probably be like it is now with downloads.

My big question is with tech advancing, will it ever make sense? Playstation and Xbox go for hardware intense games, but PC gamers would never settle for that, and they're the ones that would benefit the most from not having to buy expensive hardware.

I could see Nintendo doing it to maintain parity with the other consoles, but we know Nintendo doesn't understand the internet.

Like a Switch but with a 5g connection...

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


@Trajan Steaming still isn't appealing to me on a home console. The only way I could see any benefit to streaming is if, somehow, they overcome the hurdles of speed and data limits, and got streaming true console quality games on smartphones or tablets. But I don't see that being feasible unless mobile data plans are radically different.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


"PS5 is confirmed to have a disc drive."

Even PS5 have backward compatible with PS4 discs, my questions are :
1. Will it also backward compatible with PS3 discs also ? I have lost appetites with any PS3 games, if PS5 can read PS3 dics, at least i can add a few appropriate mediocre PS3 games for gap filler.
2. Will it have more kiddie games / builder games on PS5 and have quality as Dragon Quest Builders 2 / Portal Knights / The Sims 4 ? I don't think PS5 will have the games like that anymore. My PS4 games currently just about three games: Portal Knights, The Sims 4 and Dragon Quest Builders 2 (if i consider the PS4 version).
3. Can Sony prove their new policy that want to protect the child from inappropriate contents from their brand Playstation, at the same time i can feel PS5 will be invaded by more disgusting , more inappropriate and more controversial rated 18+ games that will insulting peoples from ethic norm side ?



@Heavyarms55 Yeah that's what I'm saying. Is rather just pay $4-800 and run everything locally.

@Anti-Matter PS3 is a very slight maybe. PS3 had very unique IBM Cell architecture, which will be very difficult to emulate.

I imagine PS5 will have all sorts of games just like any playstation.

PlayStation has traditionally been marketed towards adults, so yeah it isn't a PBS console.

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


hey if it keeps Google from getting a foot in then i'm all for it, Google has already ruined EVERYTHING they got their grubby little paws on and i don't want them to ruin gaming too

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@Trajan Nah, this is different. MS isn't going anywhere. They have the servers and infrastructure, and Sony is also interested in streaming, but doesn't have the infrastructure afaik. So they're probably just renting Microsoft servers.

Of course, there's Google, so teaming up on the streaming side makes sense, kinda.


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