
Topic: Universal Recommendations Thread

Posts 101 to 120 of 1,990


megaboomface2 wrote:

1000 point wiiware game

an "obscure" one: Swords and Soldiers
aside from NES games I only ever have 4 games on my system (i.e. not SD card)
Swords and Soldiers is almost always sitting just below the Internet channel

any other suggestions I would make would be the obvious ones
like Dr Mario, Lost Winds, Megaman 9 or something like that
and obviously non 1000 point games like Tetris Party, World of Goo, Bit Trip Beat etc
the stuff that doesn't need to be said

Universal recommendations (not games):
Sigur Rós' Ágætis byrjun
My Bloody Valentine's Loveless
tolerance and all those other things
etc, etc

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions

If you haven't yet, get Bubble Bobble Plus. That's a real fun one.

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I know nobody will probably respond to this because it's an inane question, but I need to know if I should get yoshi's island. I know it's gotten alot of praise, but I need to know what somebody specifically liked about it. I've only tried the gameboy version for a little bit and the ROM, but it doesn't seem like that much fun. Does it get better along the way?



@Twario: I personally never have played the game before, but I believe it does. Try the Super Nintendo Entertainment System version on the cartridge if you have an SNES.


Switch Friend Code: SW-1409-9782-5984 | Nintendo Network ID: astarisborn94 | Twitter:


Is Deadly Creatures worth it? I think it's only about $20, now.

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


@Twario - I think Yoshi's Island is a great game, and one I recommend you try. And yes, it does get better as you go along.

Edited on by StarBoy91

To each their own


i got the excitebike and i figure just not getting bit boy

[anomalous[i know spelled wrong] member] so feenie bet you never got lucky in chat
[feenie] ya
[tbd] green gabe
[feenie] yup i almost drowned in the shower afterwards


Is rocket knight any good? What's good about it?



Twario wrote:

Is rocket knight any good? What's good about it?

Rocket Knight Adventures is very good. It's got charming characters, solid controls, and great stage design.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I can't even afford a MegaDrive at the moment. Perhaps I'll skip to the SNES Sparkster game, seeing as I have an SNES console.

To each their own


Oh, btw, I decided which DS game to get for Xmas(Contra 4), but I ended up getting Magical Starsign instead(it was on sale, and I couldn't find Contra 4 ).

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


StarBoy91 wrote:

I can't even afford a MegaDrive at the moment. Perhaps I'll skip to the SNES Sparkster game, seeing as I have an SNES console.

Ew, no. Sparkster is nowhere near as good...

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matt. 1:21.


It's a weird question, but should I get a 3DO or a Neo Geo CD? I heard that the 3DO has a lot of good games for the system, but the Neo CD also has some pretty fun games & the load times on some of the later games on there don't bother me too much.

Also, should I get Samurai Shodown V or SVC Chaos for the Xbox?


marktheshark wrote:

It's a weird question, but should I get a 3DO or a Neo Geo CD? I heard that the 3DO has a lot of good games for the system, but the Neo CD also has some pretty fun games & the load times on some of the later games on there don't bother me too much.

Also, should I get Samurai Shodown V or SVC Chaos for the Xbox?

Hm...that's a tough one. I guess I'd recommend SVC Chaos over SamSho5, since SVC has some really awesome extra characters.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Blast, I couldn't find this thread when I needed it...
Oh well, I was wondering what you guys thought for me to spend my last 200 DSi Points.
I could've gotten an Electroplankton game, a different game, or I could've waited for Flipper.
I'm happy to say I got Electroplankton: Luminarrow. It's great fun for me, being musically inclined...I just might get a few more.
What do you guys think of Beatness and Tracy?

I'm working on a game that's coming out soon!
Cipher Trailer


Should I get castlevainia IV? I want to get it, but it looks too hard. Is it extremely difficult?



@Twario - Super Castlevania IV is okay, not my favorite game, but it is worth downloading on the VC. It can be hard in the later stages, but not frustratingly hard. Also, if you manage to beat the first quest and press Start after "The End" or "Presented by Konami" in the credits portion, there's a second, harder quest (which for some STRANGE reason is barely ever talked about). It's not my favorite, but it's worth checking out either way.

To each their own


@bleachfan I suggest beatness, it's fun to make remixes. Tracy is not as good as a lot of people say. I would recommend hanenbow over tracy. Tracy is not as fun because most of the time you just get a loud cacophony of random notes, and no music unless you take your time [and I mean take your time.] Hanenbow is fun to play arounnd with, and I can actually focus on it for hours. The three that everyone should have [If you're obsessed with electroplankton like me, get them all] are beatness, luminarrow, and hanenbow. Hope this helps!

Just let it happen.

3DS Friend Code: 5026-4947-0924 | Nintendo Network ID: Percentful


Twario wrote:

Should I get castlevainia IV? I want to get it, but it looks too hard. Is it extremely difficult?

It's hard, but it's surprisingly less frustrating than the rest of the series, plus you've got infinite continues.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt

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