
Topic: What N.F.L Team You Rolling With This Year And How They Going To Do.

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Steelers are goin dowwwwwwwn >: D

Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?


3DS Friend Code: 1891-1201-0412 | Nintendo Network ID: TheKingOfTown


im not a stupid bandwagon im a true steeler fan i was a steeler fan sence i was 3 i was bron in pittsburgh both my parents love steelers i always go to steelers home gameswhich im trying to save for a wii u but it be hard cuz im always going to buy tickets for a steelers game IM A DIE HARD STEELER FAN

Edited on by Mieu-Fire



I'm a cursed Lions fan from birth.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


its not a cursed lions will be good this year there going to be in the playoffs trust me



Being from Detroit I guess the lions.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


Sony_70 wrote:

Being from Detroit I guess the lions.

Don't sound to enthusiastic there! They did do well last year.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


Well I'm not that big into football.

Been keeping up with them alittle. Also my uncle is a season ticket holder.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


LETS GO DALLAS COWBOYS my team 1-1 in preseason so far...

"Its All About Those 2x Houston Rockets, 5x Dallas Cowboys, 1x Houston Astros, Texas A&M Aggies".


steelers are also 1-1 xD



yo waz good mieu fire wow both our teams or tied man...

"Its All About Those 2x Houston Rockets, 5x Dallas Cowboys, 1x Houston Astros, Texas A&M Aggies".


Does it really matter?! Lions are 1-1.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


waz good teach yeah it do to see how your team going to be when season start...

"Its All About Those 2x Houston Rockets, 5x Dallas Cowboys, 1x Houston Astros, Texas A&M Aggies".



Maybe one day they'll be good.



lol magi...

"Its All About Those 2x Houston Rockets, 5x Dallas Cowboys, 1x Houston Astros, Texas A&M Aggies".


If it wasn't for Tebow last year the Raiders would've made the playoffs

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


now tebow is with jets getting sack like crazy lol...

"Its All About Those 2x Houston Rockets, 5x Dallas Cowboys, 1x Houston Astros, Texas A&M Aggies".


Oh, preseason matters? My favorite team, the Seahawks are 2-0 and beat Peyton and the Broncos on Saturday 30-10. Can you say Championship?

Edited on by Ryno

To blessed to be stressed.
80's music makes me feel fabulous.
What Would Duane Do?

Nintendo Network ID: Choryzo


Ryno wrote:

Oh, preseason matters? My favorite team, the Seahawks are 2-0 and beat Peyton and the Broncos on Saturday 30-10. Can you say Championship?

Lol. The league manager of the nintendolife fantasy football league is also a Seahawks fan. I think he would agree.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:

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