
Topic: Is Bayonetta 3 worth it if you didn't really care for 1 or 2?

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So first of all, I bought the vouchers to pick up Tears of the Kingdom and I need to find another game. The most appealing game available to me is Bayonetta 3, though I am hesitant because I didn't really care for 1 and 2 because the game basically felt too corridory (is that a new word?) and, at times, it was basically on rails. In other words, there just wasn't much exploration or freedom. Is 3 an improvement in this area? I do enjoy open area games like DOOM, just not games where you feel like your movements are micromanaged.



Well if you didn’t like the first two then do you really expect the third to be massively different enough so you will like it? There’s 3 other Zelda games to get or get Pikmin/Xenoblade which are more explorey.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

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If you didn’t like the first Two games! then most likely no, when it came to splatoon, it took three games for me to be interested, maybe you are into it now, maybe you will be later, who knows.

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I haven't played any Bayonetta games but I assume you may be lost story wise.
Unless they're all self contained stories.

Edited on by iLikeUrAttitude

Good... good
Now play Dragon Quest


Nope. It is still a Bayonetta game. There are some gameplay change ups (the Jeanne levels) but the gameplay loop is unchanged (and would be bad if it was. As these games cater to fans of this genre like DMC). So 3 will not convert you.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

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This is the big reason I won't pick up Bayo 3. Really didn't get on with the first two.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


Can't you save the voucher for later? Haven't used them in some time, but I don't remember downloading two games at once when I used to buy them.

With that said, there's a decent selection to choose from. I wouldn't jump into the third game in a series if you weren't keen on the first two.



If you’re specifically in the mood for a Platinum action game than I’d suggest Astral Chain in case you haven’t played it already, plenty of exploration in that one.
(Though to answer your question, Bayo3 does feature more open areas than previous Bayo games)

Currently playing: Zelda TotK, Xenoblade Chronicles, Splatoon 3


Kimyonaakuma wrote:

Can't you save the voucher for later? Haven't used them in some time, but I don't remember downloading two games at once when I used to buy them.
With that said, there's a decent selection to choose from. I wouldn't jump into the third game in a series if you weren't keen on the first two.

I have tons of games on the list so there's not much left I am remotely interested in. I keep going back and forth with Bayonetta.



jump wrote:

Well if you didn’t like the first two then do you really expect the third to be massively different enough so you will like it? There’s 3 other Zelda games to get or get Pikmin/Xenoblade which are more explorey.

I read there was more freedom/exploration in 3. The lack of which soured me on the first two.



Hoshiko wrote:

If you’re specifically in the mood for a Platinum action game than I’d suggest Astral Chain in case you haven’t played it already, plenty of exploration in that one.
(Though to answer your question, Bayo3 does feature more open areas than previous Bayo games)

Already have it.



I’ve beat Bayonetta 3. It was a great 900p 60fps character action game. Viola was my favourite character and the insanity of the street sequences really brought me closer to my screen.

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psychoBrew wrote:

I read there was more freedom/exploration in 3. The lack of which soured me on the first two.

There certainly is, but most of the exploration is in search of optional extras.

The core gameplay loop is still moving through predominantly linear levels to the next fight and most of the change-ups are either 2D levels featuring Jeanne or having to play levels as Viola rather than Cereza.

Edited on by Matt_Barber



I've never played Bayonetta 1-3 but I like Bayonetta Origins. I don't think I've played any of the main platinum games because they always seem a bit 'busy'. Kinda tempted to try Bayonetta 3; I wish there was a demo or game trial.


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Doubt it.

Bayonetta 3 is the best action game I've ever played, and as such is one of my favorite games of all time (at least top 30).

But if you didn't like Bayonetta 1/2, then 3 won't be any different. It's more open with a greater focus on exploration, has a broader offering of gameplay experiences, deeper combat system, etc, but it's still Bayonetta. Either you love it or hate it.

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Yeah, if you didn't like the first two you're probably not going to like this one. It is slightly more "open" and there's more variation in the chapters. But you're still largely playing through "go from point A to B" self contained areas and with breaks for combat. Fundamentally it's the same sort of game, if you didn't like that before you probably won't like it now

I'd argue that if you want something Bayonetta adjacent that's a bit more open? Astral Chain is probably the better pick. The game still broadly has a similar feel and similar action roots. But while Bayonetta is all about having a story push you from one action sequence to the next Astral Chain is a bit more about being in an area and "investigating". Though with that said, if Bayonetta didn't pull you in almost instantly you're probably better off looking elsewhere entirely

As a side note, when I saw the title of this topic I thought we were talking about whether or not you can play through 3 without having played 1 and 2. And for that I don't think you really do need to. I think it would make sense as a stand alone game

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So I ended up getting Bayo 3, and surprisingly, I am really liking it. Enough so that it's competing for time with TOTK, but we will see how long that lasts. Perhaps my expectations are different now? Or I'm letting the game be what it is instead of trying to make it what I want it to be? Whatever. I might need to give Bayo 1 and 2 another shot. Astral Chain too for that matter.



I have only played the first game and I didn't finish it which is unusual because I usually finish what I start.



It's not a particularly long game, so maybe give it another go. Ten hours should get you through the main story with time to spare.

I'd think the key is to try and hit the combos and get into witch time as much as possible. While you can button mash your way through the game at the easier difficult levels, it's nowhere near as satisfying.


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