
Topic: Mass Effect Trilogy Legendary Edition!

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If you're not in a rush, I'm sure it'll go on sale by the end of the year ....

Steam: Bruce_CM


I agree with Dezzy about them being one of the very best western RPGs (even more of you like scifi).

"Wake me... when you need me."

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Got a pre-purchase for Origin version £40 ....

Steam: Bruce_CM



Eugh damn cheap PC versions. I wish you could find the Xbox version for that cheap.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


Well, if you don't mind waiting long enough, it'll be discounted that much & more....

Steam: Bruce_CM



I plan on waiting zero days. This is my next big release this year, so I'll have had like 4 months of nothing new to play! I'm getting it day 1 for sure.

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I never got past the lift issue in the first game. Killed my interest in the game stone dead after my second lift ride. I have the Wii U version of ME3, but have put off playing it so that I can play the whole series, start to finish. So until there's a Switch version, I'm likely at an impasse with it. Outside chance I might get the PS4 version at some point and remote play it, but I keep telling myself I'll do that with my PS4 games and it never happens.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

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My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit



The first game tried to lean into the old fashioned RPG style quite heavily, where everything was quite open-ended and circuitous. It wasn't very streamlined or "game-like".

They did abandon that approach completely for ME2 and ME3 though. Those both feel a lot more like they follow a modern gaming structure and pacing. ME3 is frankly more of an action-game than an RPG.

They've also apparently made it so you can skip those elevator rides!

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Ok this genuinely looks great. Whilst it's clearly a PS4/Xbone game in its quality level, this is pretty much exactly what I wanted. Just a top-to-bottom graphical improvement, but the games still feel very clearly like their source material.

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Ha well this thread seems to be just me at this point, but I'm aspy enough to keep it going all the same.

They uploaded another comparison video which looks great. The locations especially are really looking great. That opening shot on the Citadel looks awesome:

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


Heh, you always beat me to putting the videos here, @Dezzy .... It's looking great & I'm certainly looking forward to replaying them!

Steam: Bruce_CM


Here's another screenshot they just added on the main website. Another great improvement in graphics and atmosphere by using more advanced effects:


Edited on by Dezzy

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


The new edition looks good. Very good



Really looking forward to this, what's even more mind blowing is that EA and Bioware have upgraded all of the visuals along with including all of the DLC for the same price Nintendo gave us 3 Mario roms in the 3D allstars pack.

With no Power, comes no Responsibility!

My Nintendo: Badger | Nintendo Network ID: SW-7629-6884-5091



Yeah this is definitely up there as one of the best value "collections" you'll ever find. 1 game almost completely redone, and 2 games with improved visuals, plus like 10 major story DLC between the 3 games. It's such a massive amount of content for the price.

Maybe only Halo MCC is more impressive. Although that's not necessarily clear, given that Halo games are significantly shorter than Mass Effect games.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


One last screenshot before launch. You can really see how much more detail the textures bring out on this one:


It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


120 fps on XSX? swoon

Just one more thing to look forward to once I get an XSX

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Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Another beauty:



Apparently it's only on "EA Play Pro", which I didn't know was a thing.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.

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