
Topic: Sega has a mandate that Shadow ALWAYS must be an edgelord.

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Lol this is Sega being Sega in that they generally have no clue what they're doing. Still stuck in 2005 with Shadow's character even though all of that was resolved before and after his game came out. It's gonna take the Sonic 3 Movie to get his character right and Sega will finally go, "...oh I see."



I mean, if they can make it funny and not unironically then by all means

Steam/NNID/Xbox Gamertag - Megas75


I mean, that is kind of who he is. I personally don't think his personality has gotten stale to where he needs a character change. I don't think I could imagine him as anything else. It isn't like Sonic has changed much since his creation. Perhaps more Goofy, but still Sonic.

Gamertag: DeePullThree
Switch Friend Code: SW-2321-5988-1019
PlayStation 5 User Profile: DeePullThree


All I know of Shadow is that he's had a pretty rough life.



Where’s that damn 4th chaos emerald- shadow

we need to make a game to surpass Fortnite- also shadow

I fear no man
but that thing:
The carrot minigame from bowser's inside story
it scares me

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