Retro Interviews




  • Feature Gaming Thoughts of a Self-Confessed Tattooligan

    Jim Smallman about his gaming heritage and why Nintendo will always have a special place in his hear

    While most gamers show their love and appreciation for their hobby by tirelessly buying up software, hardware and official merchandise, there are a select few who decide to take their adoration a step further. One such individual is UK-based comedian...


  • Interviews Richie Knucklez - The Kong Off

    "the most important person in video gaming right now"

    In the documentary The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, Steve Wiebe travels to FunSpot Arcade to put a stop to all the naysayers disputing his record-setting Donkey Kong skills. To the amazement of everyone watching, he achieves the first ever kill screen on the Funspot Donkey Kong machine...

  • Interviews Scroll's Ray Barnholt Talks SNES and New-Age Fanzines

    Former 1UP staffer fills us in on what he's up to now

    The humble fanzine harks back to an era when the net didn't exist and the most bits you could possibly hope for from a games console was 16. It's hard to appreciate this now, but back then these crude pen-and-paper creations were the ancestors of sites like the one you're reading right now;...


  • Interviews Doctor Kong Director Alexis Neophytides

    We catch up with Alexis and Hank at the film's Brooklyn premiere

    The saga over high scores in Donkey Kong is no longer a tale of two dudes. While most of us came to know the world of modern day Donkey Kongers through the epic rivalry between Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchelll, it wasn't long before a third player emerged out of left field. Hank Chien,...

  • Interviews Catching Up with Steve Wiebe

    The former champ ain't no chump

    Not since a certain famous gorilla and plumber-to-be squared off for the coveted Pauline has there been a rivalry like that of the Kings of Kong. The film The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters brought to public attention the fight for dominance between family man Steve Wiebe and Goliath-like hot saucier Billy...


  • Interviews Dr. Hank Chien, the Current King of Kong

    Doctor Kong tells all

    We recently live blogged former King of Kong Steve Wiebe's attempt to take back the Donkey Kong record, but before last March, we weren't even aware that a new champ was out there. We recently sat down with the New York plastic surgeon to get his thoughts on his rise to fame, competitive playing and more as well as get some...

  • Interview Geek Prints - Retro Video Game Clothing

    Being a nerd has never looked so fashionable

    There are many ways to show your appreciation for gaming's illustrious past. One is obviously re-living classic titles via Nintendo's popular Virtual Console service, while another is seeking out original hardware and software for that authentic experience. However, here at Nintendo Life HQ we've been...




  • Interviews Readers Ask Steve Wiebe

    The King of Kong answers your questions

    You asked, and now underdog star of the 2007 documentary The King of Kong and current holder of the Donkey Kong Jr. world record Steve Wiebe has answered. Before he takes on the Donkey Kong world record yet again at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this week, see what Wiebe thinks about modern...

  • News Ask Steve Wiebe

    Here's your chance to pose a question to the King of Kong

    Steve Wiebe, underdog star of the 2007 documentary The King of Kong and current holder of the Donkey Kong Jr. world record, has answers for you. You've got questions for him. Now's your chance to get those answers. All this week we want to know what you want to know about the world of Steve...


  • Features Metroid's Metal Makeover

    How five guys blasted the series' haunting soundtrack into a whole different genre - without sucking

    The trouble with covering beloved music is that it’s so easy to lose something in the translation. Successfully capturing the original work’s intent and mood is atypical; what most often happens when things go south is the heart and soul of the...



  • News Interview with Brian Fehdrau - Secret of Evermore

    We recently got a chance to talk with the lead programmer of Secret of Evermore and found out some very interesting information regarding the development of this unique Super Nintendo RPG title.

    Brian Fehdrau was the lead programmer on the Squaresoft USA team that developed the Super Nintendo rpg hit Secret of Evermore. We were recently able to...