Tag: Xbox - Page 4

  • News Xbox Bosses Praise The "Bold Vision" Of Nintendo Switch

    "Love seeing new innovation in our industry, Switch looks like fun!"

    After what felt like a lifetime Nintendo finally lifted the curtain on its Switch console yesterday, and sent the gaming world into overdrive. The new platform is designed to operate like a home system and a handheld, and is clearly gunning for a different sector of the market to...

  • News Don't Count Nintendo Out, Says Former Xbox Boss Robbie Bach

    "Nintendo - with great respect - is a toy company, and always has been"

    With the Wii U look set to sell less units that the GameCube and the 3DS falling short of the commercial performance of its immediate predecessor the DS, many industry analysts have characterised Nintendo as a company in decline. However, former Xbox boss Robbie Bach - who spent...

  • News Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Acknowledges Nintendo as a 'Beacon' for First-Party Games

    "They've done a great job"

    To the undoubted chagrin of those that yearn for a 'console war' of the type seen between Nintendo and SEGA in the '90s, the modern day big three generally share a great deal of mutual respect. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft rarely engage in squabbles, each happy to praise and talk up each other's achievements; that's no bad...

  • Soapbox It's A Tragedy That Rare Replay Isn't On A Nintendo Console

    Rare's latest has filled Damien McFerran with delight, but there's a catch

    Rare is one of the UK's most respected and adored software houses, with a lineage that goes back more than 30 years. While the company is now wholly owned by Microsoft, for a large part of its lifespan it was closely affiliated with Nintendo - initially as a third party...

  • News Microsoft Once Had Some Pretty Wild Ideas, Including Making Xbox Free And Buying Nintendo

    "Name a bad idea and it was something we had to deal with"

    Back when Microsoft was looking at entering the home gaming market and working on the first Xbox console, people within the company had some pretty far out ideas - precious few of which actually came to pass, thankfully. Speaking to Gamesindustry.biz, Oddworld Inhabitants' Lorne Lanning has...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations 2 Assets Spotted

    Uh-oh, they're on the official Xbox site

    While each passing year leaves us less convinced than ever that Capcom can rediscover the glory days of its Resident Evil franchise, which arguably culminated with Resident Evil 4, 3DS title Resident Evil Revelations was a pleasing step in the right direction. It also remains one of the best-looking games on...

  • News Motus' Wiimote Clone For Xbox 360

    Hardware developer Motus have unveiled their attempt at a Wiimote "evolution" for the Xbox 360.

    Now, Motus Corporation has created their own version of the Wiimote control, dubbed The Darwin, and they're preparing to release it towards the end of the year for use with the Xbox 360, the PS3, and the PC. According to Motus, the Darwin will offer...