Wii News


  • News Hudson Serves Up Deca Sports 3 Announcement

    Will include MotionPlus support and online play

    Hudson recently announced plans to release the next iteration in its Deca Sports series (known as Sports Island in the UK), Deca Sports 3. According to its press release, Hudson is including Wii MotionPlus support for all ten games, which may pique the interest of those unfamiliar with the series. As...

  • News Capcom Elaborates on the Monster Hunter 3 Online Quests

    ...and what you'll see at the launch event in New York

    Following on the recent announcement that Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~) will receive regular online quests that you can partake in, we have more information on the type of quests available and what they will entail. Should you be brave and skilled enough to complete these, you'll be rewarded with rare...

  • News Hudson Announces New Mini-Game Collection

    Trying out Oops! Prank Party may not be a mistake

    Don't let the Wii's over-saturation with party games fool you: not every casual collection is meant for the discount rack and your gullible grandmother's shopping list. Face it – back when it was still cool, you were sanding down your analogue stick in Mario Party like the rest of us. Now the same...

  • News Miyamoto Hints At Wii 2, Wii HD

    Gaming god also suggests that Star Fox may be blasting his way onto Wii

    See that smoke on the horizon, son? That's the rumour mill starting. The gaming public notoriously gets its hopes up when Miyamoto opens his mouth: it gives us permission to dream once more, like kids on Christmas Eve. Only a fool would think that Nintendo isn't working on their...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 to Feature Regular New Online Quests

    ...which will reward you with goodies

    What makes an online multiplayer RPG even more exciting? Well, how about if the game is periodically updated with unique quests which you can embark on online? Yep, we think that hits the spot too. Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~) is set to be supported by the creative team well beyond its release. For limited time...

  • News Konami Sheds More Light on A Shadow's Tale

    New trailer for the platformer previously known as Tower of Shadow

    It's not often that platform games manifest themselves in a unique hue that illuminates them from their surroundings, and this upcoming Wii title from Hudson Soft could well be the latest example of a game that does. In more ways than one, mind. Since it was announced last August, we...

  • Interviews High Voltage Software - Conduit 2

    The sequel's producer talks new multiplayer features, weapons and more

    When it comes to Conduit 2, High Voltage Software's sequel to their debut Wii first-person shooter from 2009, we know a couple of things: that stuff is going to blow up and it will feature a whole host of new multiplayer bells and whistles, including a new co-operative mode...

  • Review Rune Factory: Frontier (Wii)

    Everyone could use a good plough

    If there’s one thing guaranteed to liven up a good hack-and-slash dungeon crawler, it’s a bit of farming. There’s many a Zelda game that could have been saved with a bit of ploughing, yet the combination has been mostly ignored by cultivators of digital goods, with only the snack-sized Rune Factory on DS...

  • News Be the Master of Ceremonies With Def Jam Rapstar

    Mic check, one two, one two

    We might be getting a taste of what the turntable brings to the whole Hip Hop culture with games like DJ Hero, but evidently, that's not enough. Konami has secured co-distribution rights with Autumn Games for the upcoming "rap game" developed by 4mm Games, Terminal Games, and Def Jam Interactive. So clear your...

  • News Google Teams Up with Nintendo to Release Search Engine-Based Game

    The world furrows its collective brow

    Google is the type of company that makes people feel like their best friends are in charge. They even joke around with their users, playing a creative April Fool's joke on them annually. Lately, though, it seems that Google's gone a little screwy (Buzz, anyone?). And their big April Fool's prank this year was to...

  • News Nintendo UK Wheels Out Spring Wii, DS Line-Up

    Few surprises, but No More Heroes 2 coming sooner than expected

    In case you were wondering what would be hitting Wii and DS this spring in the UK, Nintendo's little ol' list right here will come in handy. The dates of big games like Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Monster Hunter 3 Tri were already confirmed, so there are few surprises for notable game...

  • News Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Could Be On Its Way

    New crossover fighter in the works?

    You can file this one under rumour for the time being but there are a few interesting signs which indicate that Capcom may be working on a third title in the popular Marvel Vs. Capcom series. According to a source at Team Spooky, Capcom is going to announce the game this year. Your gut instinct may be to call BS...

  • News Transformers: War for Cybertron Deemed Too Aggressive for Wii

    Forthcoming robot title gets a more kiddie-friendly name change for Nintendo's platform

    It almost goes without saying that the Wii is a family-friendly console, offering a wide selection of experiences which are suitable for all ages. However, this latest piece of news makes us wonder if this perception of the platform has possibly gone a little too...

  • News Suda51 Refers To No More Heroes 3 as a Bodily Function, Of Course

    Travis Touchdown's stories weren't the only things that came thick and fast

    Grasshopper Manufacture has successfully established itself as a force to be reckoned with when it comes to developing compelling games with stylistic artistry. It also seems that the studio's CEO, Goichi Suda, possesses the same kind of flair when articulating his...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 Team Helped Design Classic Controller Pro

    Nintendo President asks Capcom producers about bringing the popular franchise to the Wii

    In the current edition of "Iwata Asks" – a series of interviews that Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has conducted with colleagues to give fans insight into the creative processes at Nintendo – Monster Hunter 3 Tri director Kaname Fujioka and...

  • News Europe to Struggle Desperately in Late May

    Travis Touchdown will have his revenge on Santa Destroy

    Rising Star Games has announced that they're lining up Grasshopper Manufacture's No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle for an Old World release on May 28. That's smack-dab in between Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies' early May release and Super Mario Galaxy 2's early June date...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 5: Dark Side of the Mario

    Shake your plumber bootie

    It's been a while, space cats, but NLFM is back with another mighty handsome selection of the finest chip and game music around. This time we're going to listen in on what makes Mario groove, go East/West (who knows?!) with the Kusagari and see just how epic one man can make the NES. NLFM generally focuses on music from...

  • News NBA Jam Developers Gives Game Insights

    ...as well as their "slam dunk" faces

    Gamers were delighted when the beloved NBA Jam series was announced to be making a return to consoles; specifically, the Wii. With game details and screenshots being fed to us carefully and slowly, it's time to call "timeout" and sit back to watch the latest development video. Creative director Trey...

  • News THQ Announces Big Beach Sports 2

    Includes five new activities

    With summer just around the corner, it's about time that we're greeted with a plethora of sports titles. With Wii Sports Resort taking the limelight last summer, THQ hopes to kick things off with their sequel to 2008's Big Beach Sports. Developed by Jet Black Games, Big Beach Sports 2 sees gamers taking part in the...

  • News New Super Mario Galaxy 2 Trailer

    Hot on the heels of the new Metroid: Other M trailer comes a new one for our good friend Mario

    We've already seen quite a lot of footage from Super Mario Galaxy 2, however it always leaves us wanting more. Nintendo has published this new trailer with even deeper glimpses into the game that promises to be even better than the original. Here's the...


  • News First Conduit 2 Screens Indicate There Will Be Lots Of Explosions

    And a whole lot more new stuff for multiplayer

    Hot off its Nintendo Power reveal come a few screenshots for High Voltage Software's upcoming Conduit 2. Not The Conduit 2, oddly enough, but judging from what's happening in these shots it's likely the definite article just blew up in the mayhem. Apart from explosions, Conduit 2 plans on beefing things...

  • News Miyamoto: 2010 Will Be Great For Hardcore Nintendo Fans

    Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid and Zelda should keep everyone happy

    The Wii may be getting a little long in the tooth now but that hasn't stopped Shigeru Miyamoto from commenting that 2010 is likely to be one of the best years yet for the format. Speaking to UK site CVG, the highly-respected games designer references several key titles, including the new...

  • News Grinder Remains a First-Person Shooter on Wii

    Top-down shooter iteration is HD-only

    Things were looking shaky for High Voltage Software's upcoming horror-fest The Grinder. What was supposed to be a Wii-exclusive first-person shooter in the vein of Valve's Left 4 Dead turned out to go the multiplatform route, and then oddly enough seemed to transform into a colorful top-down shooter along the...

  • News New Metroid: Other M Gameplay Trailer

    Nintendo throw us a bone with a new gameplay trailer of Samus' latest adventure

    Nintendo has today updated the Metroid.com Web site with a brand new trailer featuring gameplay from the upcoming Wii game Metroid: Other M. You can check out the trailer here: Only a few months to go until the game is released in the US followed by Europe later in the...

  • Hands On 2010 FIFA World Cup

    We go hands on with EA's upcoming footie title

    Last week, Nintendo Life headed over to EA's UK headquarters for a kick-about with their impending blockbuster 2010 FIFA World Cup. With the world's biggest sporting tournament only a few months away, gamers have been keen to see how they can grab a slice of World Cup glory from their living rooms, and...

  • News Suda51 Keen on Making Game With Nintendo

    Would be "very interested" if the opportunity arose

    When you think about it, Nintendo games are ****ing crazy insane. You've got foxes and amphibians piloting starships, pink shapeshifting blobs, and space bounty hunters more focused on eradicating entire species and blowing up planets than collecting bounties. Not to mention Italian plumbers from...

  • News The Conduit 2 Revealed in May Nintendo Power

    SEGA back on-board to publish a second outing for Agent Ford

    According to IGN and a few other places, High Voltage Software's Conduit sequel has an 8-page spread in upcoming May edition of Nintendo Power. Official (confirmed) details are thin on the ground at the moment, but we do know that SEGA is set to publish the title in the US and Europe...

  • Review Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces (Wii)

    A sky full of aces

    Air combat games are a rarity on the Wii, which is quite surprising considering the tilt sensors on the Remote and Nunchuk have been demonstrated to be the most reliable form of motion control available on the Wii. Thankfully Namco Bandai have decided to step into the breach with Project Aces' excellent movie tie-in Sky Crawlers:...

  • News Red Steel 2 Blunted After Poor UK Chart Debut

    Ubi's first big Wii release of 2010 fails to get the tills ringing

    Remember the old "hardcore games don't sell on Wii" debate we had all those months ago? Well get ready to dust it off again because the retail figures for the UK launch of Ubisoft's Red Steel 2 are in, and it's not pretty reading. The sword-swinging action title - which we...

  • News Marines: Modern Urban Combat Deployed In June

    First-person shooter coming to Wii

    When it comes to first-person shooters set in wartime, there's a couple of franchises that immediately spring to mind. With titles like the Call of Duty and Medal of Honor franchises already firmly established with extensive fan-bases, is there room for more? Marines: Modern Urban Combat is set on the deadly...

  • Review Red Steel 2 (Wii)

    Time to shoot and slice some bros

    Ubisoft promised the sky for their Wii launch game Red Steel; since nobody had used the Remote before, plenty of gamers drank the kool-aid and had high hopes for its swordplay potential. The concept was interesting, but the execution left a gross aftertaste. It's telling that the idea was never emulated in the way...

  • News Wii & DS Become Guardians Of The Great Ga'Hoole Tree

    Fantasy book series gets video game treatment to coincide with film release

    With several anticipated Summer blockbuster films ahead of us, we can expect to see video game spin-offs to start appearing our consoles and handhelds if they haven't already. Krome Studios and Tantalus Media, two companies that have given us video game adaptations of Star...

  • Review Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii)

    Diamond in the rough

    There’s a sincerity to Fragile Dreams that’s very appealing, but that weighs heavily on the game over time. After burying his grandfather in his front garden, main character Seto explores the post-apocalyptic world with a heaviness of step that should make clear this isn’t a game full of sunshine and rainbows. If you like...

  • News Nintendo Beaten to the Punch on Wii Football Controller

    And the world is now a better place

    What was once just a glimmer of Nintendo patent tomfoolery has all of a sudden turned itself into a real product, but not by the hands of The Big N. Seems somebody else has beaten them to it! That someone is CTA Digital, who are also notably behind the Wii Bowling Ball controller and a skate/snowboard shell for...

  • Review Tornado Outbreak (Wii)

    Do the "Katamari Twist"

    Tornado Outbreak is another example of a game being hung out to dry by a major publisher. Released at a budget price in the last quarter of 2009, it wouldn't be surprising if you had no clue it existed – despite being published by Konami – because it had little to no launch promotion and wasn't even stocked by major...

  • News Might The Next Zelda Sense Your Vitality?

    Miyamoto: New tech with existing gameplay is pretty rad

    The Nintendo Wii isn't exactly short of peripheral hardware. While the Balance Board and MotionPlus are relatively self-explanatory and their uses pretty easy to comprehend, the Vitality Sensor has left a question mark over gamers' heads. Since its flagship game was announced last summer,...

  • News Rathalos Figurine Swoops in on Monster Hunter Preorders

    More information on the limited edition, too

    If, like us, you're busy counting down the days and stitching up your armour in anticipation of the upcoming Monster Hunter 3 (~Tri), you’ll probably be interested in the announcement of a European preorder incentive in the form of a Rathalos head figurine. Not only that, the final piece of the...

  • Interviews Namco Bandai Games - Fragile Dreams

    Some interesting insights into the unique Wii release.

    With Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon recently released in North America and hitting Europe today, we thought it would be a good time to get in touch with some of the guys at Namco Bandai in order to find out a little more information about this rather unique Wii title. Kentaro...

  • News More Last Story Artwork Emerges, Looks Suitably Gorgeous

    Hironobu Sakaguchi's new project is certainly a looker

    We have to admit that Mistwalker's forthcoming Wii RPG is getting us pretty excited, despite the fact that we haven't actually seen a single screenshot yet. What we have seen is some particularly lovely concept artwork, and if the game can capture the same feel of these images then Wii fans are...

  • News Tom Salta Sound-Checking Red Steel 2

    Soundtrack that fuses the two flavours together

    The sound design can ofter get overlooked in video games, whether it be in development or the appreciation from the gamer. Ubisoft is careful not to let the audio side of things disappoint when Red Steel 2 attacks our senses next week. The highly-anticipated Wii MotionPlus title will contain several...

  • Interviews Steve Lycett - Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

    Sumo Digital's executive producer talks karts and characters

    Since the release of OutRun 2 back in 2004, Sumo Digital has gone on to become somewhat of a bedfellow with SEGA, having produced several games based on key IP. Following on from the release on Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, we caught up with Steve Lycett, Sumo Digital's executive...

  • Report Monster Hunter Tri Event Australia

    Fun, rumours and food abound!

    We were lucky enough to score a visit to Nintendo Australia's launch of Monster Hunter Tri on Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour. While there, we got a chance to play the new game, eat lots of food, and hear a few interesting things come up in conversation, none of which is to be taken as official, and currently only to...

  • Review Calling (Wii)

    Let the machine get it

    Boo! Did we scare you? No? Well then, there's a pretty good chance Hudson's horror game Calling won't either. Try as it might, the game never really goes beyond that three-letter interjection in its mysterious tale of ghosts and the supernatural. It's not horrible, but there are only so many times you can be snuck up on until...

  • News Reggie: Innovation Is Still Nintendo's Priority

    Reggie Fils-Aime talks about the life that the Wii has ahead of itself, and Nintendo's competitors

    Nintendo representatives don't usually pay much attention to any smack talk that might come from their competitors, but in a recent interview with Kotaku, the President at Nintendo of America seems to have been doing a bit of trash talking himself!...

  • News Want Kid Icarus? Hey, Just Ask

    Nintendo producer says "yo, speak up"

    There's a huge list of classic Nintendo properties crying out for current-gen remakes, but one ever-present feature on the list is Kid Icarus. Absent from Nintendo systems for years, with the exception of a very cool appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Pit has been all-but forgotten. You want that to change...

  • News Monster Hunter Tri Gets Australian Release Date

    Two different bundles available.

    It was revealed to us last night at the Monster Hunter Tri event in Sydney last night that Monster Hunter Tri will be coming to Australian shores on the 29th of April, 2010 as a standalone game, or in a bundle with the newly released black Classic Controller Pro. One of the best games visually on the Wii, Monster...

  • News Reggie: Nintendo Not Considering Successor to Wii Quite Yet

    Says technology enables fun, but is not the means itself

    Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé has spoken about a successor to the Wii, be it Wii 2 or Wii HD, in a recent interview with Forbes. Talking about plans for a new platform and high definition, Reggie reveals that Nintendo is not thinking seriously about the next system and that...

  • First Impressions Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love

    "You're a shining star, no matter who you are..."

    Sakura Wars is a rather interesting series of games and one of Sega's biggest franchises in Japan, though oddly only the spin-off anime has been seen elsewhere – until now. The fifth Sakura Taisen game (as the series is known in Japan), So Long, My Love is the first to get localised for Western...

  • News Rising Star and Spanish Fans Translate Fragile Dreams Together

    Publisher and community work together as one

    The Wii's upcoming near-apocalyptic adventure Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon is on course for a European release on March 19th, with plenty of intriguing characters and a rather moving script all painstakingly translated from its original Japanese. Naturally such translations are huge, costly...

  • Review Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (Wii)

    Constellation prize

    The first hour or so you spend with Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing, your brain rejects it, telling you it isn’t Mario Kart enough, or it isn’t Sega enough. You’ll wrestle with the wheel and tell yourself you could be playing Mario Kart Wii instead, but once you learn to go with it you find yourself having a blast...

  • News Order Your Limited Edition Monster Hunter 3

    Comes in the best-looking box you have ever seen

    It's one thing to own what is surely going to be one of the top games of 2010, but it's quite another to buy it in a limited edition bundle that comes with every peripheral you'll need to get the most out of the game. If you are not familiar with the upcoming Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~), be sure to check...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii World Record Set


    Twin Galaxies has recently verified a new official Twin Galaxies World Record score for New Super Mario Bros. Wii. The score-keeping network has received numerous submissions for the game since release, with the record changing hands dozens of times between gamers from the US, Canada and Holland, and is now logging scores of significant...

  • News Boom Blox Team Lose Some Bricks

    Re-location costs some their job

    Several members of the development team for the Boom Blox series have lost their jobs, according to recent reports. EA have stated that a relocation of a small project from LA to the UK has resulted in the lay-off of a small number of staff and that all eligible employees will receive severance pay and outplacement...

  • Trailer Metroid: Other M FMV Teaser

    Nintendo drip feed us with a new teaser trailer for Samus' next outing

    We were kind of disappointed last week when Nintendo didn't give us a brand spanking new trailer for Metroid: Other M, last night they made up for it (slightly) by releasing a new FMV teaser trailer via the Official Nintendo Magazine website. If you haven't already seen it, we've...

  • Review Data East Arcade Classics (Wii)

    Some golden oldies from an arcade pioneer

    Data East Corp. was one of the original wave of Japanese video game developers that had their wares appear in American arcades at the beginning of the 1980s. They didn't have as big a string of hits as contemporaries like Namco, Konami, Taito or Sega, but they did release a few titles that gamers above a...


  • News Note: How Not to Play Sonic & Mario at the Olympic Winter Games

    Watch out if there's a camera behind you!

    The 7pm Project (an Australian comedic take on the news) have noticed something strange about the way that the hosts of another certain popular Australian show were showcasing the controls of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. Judge for yourself! Let this be advice to all of you aspiring...

  • First Impressions WarioWare DIY, FlingSmash and Photo Dojo

    Hands-on with three very different titles

    You've already heard what we thought of Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Sin and Punishment 2, and we got to play Monster Hunter 3 a few weeks ago, but there's still plenty to tell about the other titles available to play t

  • First Impressions Sin and Punishment 2

    Blasting, slashing, stunning – trailer inside!

    It took forever (well, nearly) for Treasure's seminal N64 game Sin and Punishment to see a Western release, but thankfully the sequel isn't due to take anywhere near as long to find its way to your Wii disc tray, with a European release date of 7th May. When Nintendo offered us the chance to play it...

  • First Impressions Metroid: Other M

    Hit me baby, one more time

    As stunning as Retro Studios' Metroid Prime Trilogy undoubtedly is, we still fondly remember Samus Aran's formative years, and particularly the seminal Super Metroid. It seems we're not the only ones fond of this piece of the bounty hunter's history however, as Team Ninja and Tecmo's take on Nintendo's sci-fi franchise...

  • Trailer Sin and Punishment 2 + Screenshots

    Direct from yesterday's European Gamers Summit comes a new trailer and screenshots for Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies.

    Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies, the breakthrough shooter game for Wii from developer Treasure, will launch across Europe on May 7th 2010. The game features non-stop action with two playable characters and...

  • News Australia Gets Black Wii & New Remote Colours

    Colour coordinate your console and remotes in a way Bertie Bassett would be proud of.

    When the console was first announced to be available in its second colour in Japan, the gaming world (maybe not the entire gaming world) started to salivate at the prospect of owning the Wii in the console equivalent of sexy black lingerie. Likewise when it was...

  • News More Super Mario Galaxy 2 Footage

    Nintendo release another "B-Roll" trailer from today's Media Summit showing off the upcoming Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Super Mario Galaxy 2, the sequel to the smash-hit galaxy-hopping original, embraces the gravity-defying, physics-based exploration from the first game, but is loaded with entirely new features including new galaxies to challenge and...

  • First Impressions Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Truly spacial

    Super Mario Galaxy 2 had by far the biggest queues of the day, with a cordoned area showcasing the plumber's latest adventure. Our crafty writers, however, took advantage of everyone else's hunger by striking when most other journalists were stopping for lunch, managing to get a good half an hour of hands-on time. With such high hopes...

  • News Nintendo European Media Summit 2010 Round-up

    All the big news from the big day

    Earlier today, two of Nintendo Life's UK editorial team attended Nintendo's European Media Summit in London's swanky O2 Arena, which was filled with transparent plastic chairs and surrounded with projection screens showing upcoming titles. Although many of the major announcements were made at the US summit...

  • Trailer Super Mario Galaxy 2 + Screenshots

    Direct from today's European Gamers Summit comes a new trailer and screenshots for Super Mario Galaxy 2.

    Super Mario Galaxy 2, the sequel to the smash-hit galaxy-hopping original, embraces the gravity-defying, physics-based exploration from the first game, but is loaded with entirely new features including new galaxies to challenge and delight...

  • News Metroid: Other M Denied Set Release Date in Europe

    North American gamers rejoice, Europeans will have to wait longer for Other M, currently scheduled for "Q3" release.

    Metroid™: Other M, the incredible new Metroid game developed for Wii through a collaboration by Nintendo and the world-renowned Team Ninja, launches June 27 (North America). The game looks at the classic franchise from a new...

  • News They're Coming - 23rd April for Monster Hunter Tri in Europe

    Europe gets two special bundles, one with black classic pro, one with black classic pro and WiiSpeak.

    The rumble of approaching monsters grows louder by the day and on 23rd April 2010, Wii owners will get to taste the game that has been a phenomenon in Japan, when Monster Hunter Tri roars into life across Europe. To further whet your monstrous...

  • News Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies for Europe May 7th

    Nintendo have confirmed that Europeans will be getting the Sin and Punishment treatment before North America

    All-action shooting comes to Wii on 7th May 2010 when Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies launches across Europe. With relentless waves of attacks from violent creatures from the fourth earth and projectiles to destroy, this is a true...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Hits Europe June 11th

    Europe not too far behind North America, you'll be playing Mario Galaxy 2 before Wimbledon!

    Super Mario Galaxy 2, the sequel to the smash-hit galaxy-hopping original, embraces the gravity-defying, physics-based exploration from the first game, but is loaded with entirely new features including new galaxies to challenge and delight players. On some...

  • News Metroid: Other M Hits June 27th

    Team Ninja's take on the series almost ready for take-off – UPDATED: Hear Samus speak (we think)!

    Metroid fans had better brace themselves, as Nintendo has just announced that Metroid: Other M, their brand new collaboration with Team Ninja, is set to hit North American store shelves on June 27th. Metroid™: Other M, the incredible new Metroid...

  • News Prince of Persia to Include SNES Remake of Original

    Exclusively on Wii

    While Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands on Wii won't look as good as the HD versions, nor feature the studly Jake Gyllenhaal, it'll be bringing along a little extra sumthin'-sumthin' that may sway retro game fans its way. At the Nintendo of America Media Summit today, Ubisoft revealed that the Wii version will exclusively...

  • News Capcom Reveals Everything You Want To Know About Monster Hunter 3

    Free online play, WiiSpeak support and more

    Among all the other tidbits and release dates coming out of Nintendo's American Media Summit today, Capcom confirmed the hopes and dreams of Western monster hunters by announcing a whole slew of things about Monster Hunter 3 Tri. The game has been given a solid release date of April 20 with a demo disc...

  • News Sin & Punishment 2 Coming June 7th

    Sequel to Nintendo 64 classic is on its way

    Nintendo and Treasure have just announced that the sequel to the cult classic Nintendo 64 shooter will be hitting North American store shelves on June 7th. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor will use the Wii Remote to create an unprecedented level of play control and interaction within the game. You can...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Hits May 23

    Nintendo's newest Mario adventure is not far away!

    Nintendo has just announced that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be hitting North American store shelves on May 23. That gives Nintendo fans exactly 3 months to save up for what is sure to be one of the biggest releases of 2010 and a much-anticipated sequel for Wii owners. So get that money saved, as this...

  • News Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M Coming This Summer

    Nintendo Australia reveals release window

    We knew Nintendo was all set to have a big Wii year with a line-up that includes Super Mario Galaxy 2, the Team Ninja collaboration Metroid: Other M and possibly a new Zelda game. What we didn't know was when, but thanks to Nintendo Australia we've a stronger idea for at least two of these. Greg Arthurton,...

  • News Warner Bros. Interactive Announces New Batman Game for Wii and DS

    Animated show tie-in to coming this fall

    Wii owners may have missed out on Arkham Asylum, but they're getting an exclusive release in the form of a game based upon the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series, in which the Dark Knight teams up with other DC heroes to combat villainy. Wayforward are the developers behind this licensed tie-in,...

  • News Mario & Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Almost Considered a Possibility

    Unsurprisingly, Wii DLC is also out

    In a recent Q&A about Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with The Kartel, producers Omar Woodley, Dan Gallardo were popped the million-dollar question: was Mario ever considered for the race? Everything is a possibility. It definitely was discussed way early on in development, but just the fact that we have...

  • Review Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll (Wii)

    Rollin' rollin' rollin', get those monkeys rollin'

    One of Sega's first games for a home console of former rival Nintendo was Super Monkey Ball on the Gamecube. It quickly became a favourite among many with its simple arcade gameplay and irrepressibly cute characters. Reception for the first Wii installment, Banana Blitz, was a bit mixed due to a...

  • News Rogue Listing On Retailer Website

    Here's where the speculative fun begins!

    Star Wars fans have been left a little wanting this generation with that light sabre game still unannounced. But now, all you wannabe Jedi’s may be able to look forward to piloting an X-Wing instead, as UK retailer GAME has recently listed Rogue Squadron as an upcoming release on its Web site. Of course,...

  • News Mario & Sonic's Winter Olympics Outing Shifts 6M

    Quite possibly more profitable than the actual Olympics

    The real Winter Olympics in Vancouver may be watched and beloved the world over, but you know what else is beloved all across the globe? Video games, and especially ones starring Mario and Sonic. Combine that with the Olympics and hoo-boy is there money to be made. Sega and Nintendo would like...

  • News Sony Patents Universal Game Controller

    Would work with all three current home consoles - including Wii

    Owners of multiple consoles can attest to the clutter and occasionally annoying battery maintenance that comes with having several different controllers kicking around the house. Televisions, stereos and DVD players can all be programmed to use one remote control, but gamers are stuck...

  • News Pick Up, There's A Developer Diary Calling

    New footage and details about Hudson's upcoming horror game

    We've already gone hands-on with Hudson's horror title Calling, but maybe you'd like to hear some of the people involved with the development talk about the scare-fest. Eh? Eh? Alongside new footage, Chief Director Kazufumi Shimizu and Concept Creator and Design Director Takeshi Inomata...

  • News Trackmania Building Speed

    Nearing the finish line

    Trackmania, the virtual trackset and PC sensation, is on the final lap as it speeds towards its home console debut on the Wii. The first trailer for the game has come out of Focus Home Interactive, showing an engine that looks finely tuned and running on all cylinders. Firebrand Games, the racing game specialist who handled...

  • Talking Point Does Nintendo Need to Exercise More Quality Control on the Wii?

    Are shoddy ports and the tide of cheap cash-in titles putting the Wii at risk?

    Nintendo is right to be proud of the Wii: it has single-handedly put them back at the top of the console stack after two generations of consoles which, whilst not outright disasters, failed to capture the imaginations of the majority of the game playing public. The Wii...

  • News Sony: Publishers Pulling Resources From Wii Development

    PS3 Vs Wii... Fight, Fight!

    Lately we’ve seen some of the big-third party publishers such as EA distancing themselves from the Wii somewhat, largely because sales just ain't what they had hoped for the platform. Could it be due to increased competition from Sony’s mighty PS3? According to SCEA vice president of publisher relations Robert Dyer...

  • News Tetris Party Deluxe Dropping Into Wii and DS

    New modes, Wii Speak support and more blocks than the entire 8-bit era

    You may have thought Tetris Party on WiiWare had exhausted all variants on the classic puzzler, but you'd be wrong. Very wrong. Hudson Soft, Tetris Online and Majesco have announced today that they've found even more kitchen sinks to throw into the mix for the retail release that...

  • News EA Tees Up Golf Club Peripherals for Wii

    Living rooms, beware

    With Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 due out in June, EA have announced that they are releasing a line of sports accessories for the Nintendo Wii, including realistic golf clubs for its Tiger Woods PGA Tour series. These golf clubs will stretch out to 36 inches, so if you're playing the Wii in your bedroom this may not be such a...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 4: The One With Datarock

    There's a Norwegian, Dark Void Zero, de Blob, Mega rap and the aural debut of Sega's 16-bit beast — what more could you possibly want?

    Welcome to another jolly good episode of NLFM, the chip and game music podcast from Nintendo Life. We're joined in this bumper-length episode by special guest Fredrik Saroena, one half of the retro-soaked Norwegian...

  • News Ubisoft Limbers Up For Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

    New screens and release date revealed

    Ubisoft has today come full circle with the Prince of Persia franchise as it revealed new screens and details on Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands for the Wii, the game tied to the movie based on the games. Whew. The game has been built from the ground up for the Wii and will introduce fans of the series to...

  • News Fragile Dreams Come True in March

    Mark your calendar for the 19th of next month

    If you're a fan of subtle Japanese pseudo-supernatural survival adventure RPGs, today is your lucky day. Not as lucky as Friday, March 19th though, as that's when Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon is confirmed to launch across Europe. We've already spent a good few hours with the game and were...

  • First Impressions Rune Factory Frontier

    Growing a beaut

    US readers may scoff at the "First Impressions" title of this article as Rune Factory Frontier has been available in the Western hemisphere for nearly a year, but as always European gamers are left waiting for any Harvest Moon-related titles. However, farming fans need not fret much longer, as Rune Factory Frontier is due...

  • News Nintendo Power Unwittingly Reveals Wii 2

    ...only to discover that it has fallen foul of a cheap Photoshop trick

    Those of you lucky enough to get Nintendo Power magazine on a regular basis may have been shocked to see an image in the latest issue bearing the Wii 2 logo. The photo of a Wii Remote - which was used to illustrate an item regarding Netflix - seemed to confirm the impending...

  • Feature Gaming from the Heart

    Games that tug the heartstrings

    Valentine's Day is sometimes derided as a "Hallmark Holiday" - a day created for shops to sell stuff like greeting cards and chocolates due to feelings of obligation. Despite this, it must be said that having a day in which you're expected to express love and devotion to those closest to you can't be all...

  • News GTI Club Supermini Festa! Under Starter's Orders

    Trailer comes out of the garage

    Konami has just released a video for the Wii instalment of its classic arcade franchise, GTI Club. The publisher is set to publish a version of GTI Club Supermini Festa!, the third title in the series which was released as GTI Club+ Rally Côte d'Azur on the Playstation Network. The game is famous for its handbrake...

  • News Sniper Elite Remade for Wii

    A new old game

    World War II sniping simulation Sniper Elite is to be brought to the Wii by UK publisher Reef Entertainment. Set in Berlin 1945, players take the role of an American OSS agent on a mission to seek out German nuclear technology and shoot Nazis in the neck. The game was released back in 2005 on PS2, XBOX and PC and was generally well...

  • News Rising Star Confirms European Release of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

    Return to the Gardens of Madness in April!

    Today Rising Star games confirmed what many had suspected, but had never officially been announced: namely that they're handling the publication of Grasshopper Manufacture's eagerly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed 2008 release, No More Heroes. Naturally we just couldn't wait and had to review...

  • News OpaOpa and ChuChu's Rocket into Sega and Sonic All-Stars Racing

    Jacky, Akira and Bonanza Bros join the fun too

    Sumo Digital are shaping up Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing is full of goodies for Sega fans old and new. The offical website has been updated to bring the full character list up to speed and they include the sentient ship Opa Opa of the Fantasy Zone series and a quadruple of ChuChus from the Dreamcast...

  • News Nintendo Wins Another Piracy Court Case

    Massive fine for Mario bootlegger

    Nintendo have won a court case where they took action against the James Burt, an Australian who illegally copied and uploaded for distribution the first pirate copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, a whole week prior to its official release in Australia. How was Burt able to get it so early? Well, blame that on an...

  • News Ubisoft Bringing Ghost Recon: Future Soldier to Wii

    Will take a "different approach" for the Wii audience

    If you ask Ubisoft, military tactical shooters and the Wii need not be mutually exclusive. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot confirmed to Kotaku that the newly announced next entry in the Ghost Recon series, Future Soldier, will be making its way to Wii, with a few caveats. Naturally. The Wii version...

  • News Netflix Lean Towards Wii For Success

    On-demand video service soon to be available on Wii in the US

    Netflix is coming to the Wii very soon, according to one the company's senior executives. TheWiire.com reports: Netflix Vice President of Corporate Communications Steve Swasey anticipates seeing a lot of success (without predicting any numbers) on Nintendo's Wii platform. He notes the...