Wii News


  • Review Ninja Reflex (Wii)

    The way of the warrior is one of balance and harmony.

    Wolf-san! EA invite us to join them in the secret ancient world of the Japanese Ninja. Bringing together a handful of mini games, the developers aim to train your senses in the martial art to help you reach a higher power. The way of the warrior is one of "balance and harmony". The...

  • Review Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (Wii)

    Right on target, or way off the mark?

    Konami's flagship Pro Evolution Soccer (Winning Eleven in other territories) series really caught the gaming world's attention with its fourth release, a beautifully playable and engrossing take on football. Since then it's become even more popular, and now rivals EA's FIFA brand in the sales stakes. However,...


  • Review Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Wii)

    Make sure you've got your Classic Controller handy for this one

    Few genres possess the stubborn nature of the 2D fighter. Whereas other game types evolve over time and strive to incorporate new and innovative features that not only make them easier to play but also more enjoyable, the 2D brawler is perfectly content to remain static. But before you...

  • Competition Do You Want Worms?

    Wii Want Worms

    THQ give you the opportunity to win yourself a copy of the upcoming Worms: A Space Oddity for the Wii. In Worms: A Space Oddity, players will enjoy the ultimate blend of classic Worms game modes and re-invented single-player missions, as well as multiplayer modes that include a host of all-new party games and even more customization...

  • Review House of the Dead 2&3 Return (Wii)

    Ah House of the Dead, welcome to the Wii.

    Since it's inception in back in the 90s SEGA's "House of the Dead" has arguably become the next biggest zombie series behind Capcom's infamous Resident Evil. SEGA's decision to bring the zombie-fest to the Wii comes as no real surprise since recent successful releases of other "light gun"...

  • Review SEGA Superstars Tennis (Wii)

    Sega’s next sporting smash hit?

    It seems his recent athletic clash with Mario has rubbed off on Sonic: here he is with fifteen friends in a brightly coloured, special move-filled variation on good old lawn tennis, not unlike the plumber’s N64, Game Boy Advance and Gamecube outings, on the surface at least. This isn’t a simple formula rip,...

  • Review No More Heroes (Wii)

    Otaku assassin Travis Touchdown finally lands on European shores - has the wait been worthwhile?

    When you fire up a game and see that the loading screen proudly proclaims that ‘Punk’s not dead’, you know you’re in for something of an unorthodox experience. The enigmatic Suda 51 and his team at Grasshopper Manufacture are arguably one of the...

  • News Reggie: "Big Game Coming This Christmas"

    Mystery title to be revealed at E3

    Reggie Fils-Aime has dropped hints that Nintendo owners should be very happy this Christmas. The Nintendo of American President said: There's gonna be a big game for the holiday that gamers will want. All I can tell you is what we announce during E3 is gonna be fantastic. The gamer is gonna be excited and the...

  • News Nintendo Unleashes A Cavalcade Of Mario Kart Wii Info

    Control details and much more - GET

    Nintendo has issued a press release regarding the forthcoming Wii megahit Mario Kart Wii, confirming that the game will offer a wide range of control options (just in case you find the bundled Wii Wheel too silly to even consider using) and that online play will offer Mii support. Here's the official info-steam...

  • Review Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

    Perhaps the greatest game of this generation? Hmm... maybe, just maybe.

    Smash Bros.? What's Smash Bros.? If you are a Wii owner asking that question, you'll get many funny looks from other gamers that wonder where you have been the past ten years. Super Smash Bros. is perhaps Nintendo's most successful franchise (in terms of sales per game) in the...

  • News Gemma Atkinson's Chest Causes Wii Problems

    Celeb Moans About Carrying Additional Baggage During Wii Sessions

    She may have her 'knockers' but former HollyOaks star Gemma Atkinson maintains she enjoys a good session on the Wii just as much as anyone else. The busty starlet – who is arguably more famous for posing in her underwear than her acting skills – will be present at the upcoming...

  • News Cheerleading Comes To The Wii!

    No joke.

    In a move that has thrilled Nintendo Life, THQ CEO Brian Farrel has announced that a cheerleading game is in development for the Wii which takes full advantage of the Balance Board. No further details were given but we presume it will work in a similar style to games like Dance Dance Revolution but involving chants and short skirts (or...

  • Review Bleach: Shattered Blade (Wii)

    Death Gods, Swords, and Lots of Hair Gel- Yes, its Bleach!

    Its not very often you see a game where the main character is a bad-ass orange haired Death God- who's Japanese name, correct me if I am wrong, is 'Strawberry'- wielding a sword embedded with a soul. And its not very often that you see me create such a poor lead-in to a review. So let me cut...

  • Review Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Wii)

    What an odd craze that swept the gaming world...

    Guitar Hero has led the way for music games into the mainstream and has shown there's more to this genre than Dance Dance Revolution and StepMania. Harmonix, previously working with RedOctane and Activision, developed Guitar Hero for the PlayStation 2 oblivious to the incredible amount of popularity...


  • News Finally – You Can Now Play Imports On Your Wii

    Wii Freeloader Arriving In March - hurrah!

    Those of you that graduated to the Wii from the GameCube will probably be aware of Datel’s excellent Freeloader disc, which allows you to play import games on your Cube console. Well, after months of silence the company has now announced that it’s producing a version for the Wii – and amazingly, it...

  • News Family Ski Japanese Advert - Balance Board Compatible

    Family Ski is Namco's attempt to bring all the fun of skiing - to the Wii.

    Four player racing and Wii Balance Board support will be the highlight of the game although there is no official word when (or if) the game will make it to British shores. If it does we're expecting some kind of budget release. Now please hurry up and announce you're working...

  • Review Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (Wii)

    Sonic, grab your hoverboard there's a race to win!

    Sonic the Hedgehog spin-off racing series, Sonic Riders, returns in the form of "Zero Gravity", a sequel to the 2006 original. Unlike your standard racing game, SRZG actually has quite alot of story. Sonic and friends have been alerted about crazed robots from "MeteorTech"...

  • Review Asterix at the Olympic Games (Wii)

    Asterix joins the race for Olympic glory, can he and Obelix gain the gold medal?

    With Beijing hosting this years summer Olympic games it was no surprise that a number of Olympic themed games have appeared on this years calendar. Atari must of been kicking themselves when SEGA released Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, pretty much claiming all...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy - SNES Edition

    Oh how we love people with too much time on their hands, check out this impressive vision of what Super Mario Galaxy would of looked like if it was developed for the SNES, brilliant!

    Nintendo take note, the SNES still has legs! This excellent video was brought to you via those nerdy Nintendo Wii Fanboys. Brilliant.

  • News Factor 5 Speak About Secret Wii Project

    Julian Eggebrecht spills the beans, but still no name as yet

    They won’t reveal the name of the top secret project they’re working on, but those fine chaps at Factor 5 have still given us a few juicy pieces of information to chew on for the time being. Speaking to IGN, Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht shed a little light on this mysterious...


  • News Wii To Surpass GameCube’s Life Sales

    More encouraging news for Nintendo

    It may not have been Nintendo’s greatest console but the GameCube still managed to shift modest 21.72 million units over its lifespan. However, to put the recent success of the Wii in sharp perspective, the console is about to surpass the GameCube’s lifetime sales despite only having been on the market for just...

  • News Surgeons Could Benefit From Playing Wii

    We didn’t realize that Trauma Center was that realistic!

    If you happen to be unfortunate enough to find yourself needed brain surgery in the near future, you might want to check that your surgeon is a keen gamer. According to reports from a group of science-type boffins, playing Wii helps these skilled individuals to ‘warm up’ for the arduous...

  • News "Third Party Games Don't Sell"

    Suda51 has his say

    Killer 7 and No More Heroes director voices his concerns about the current state of the Wii software market. Goichi Suda (AKA Suda 51) has claimed that third party software is failing to find an audience in Japan while Nintendo's own games steal all the limelight. We reported not long ago that Suda's No More Heroes was a bit of...

  • News More Wii Colours On The Way?

    US store Target's internal stock control system may indicate so

    When the Wii was first announced Nintendo practically bombarded the general public with tantalizing product imagery, the most striking of which was the promise of different coloured Wii consoles. More than a year later and we’re still stuck with the bog-standard (but admittedly...

  • Review Endless Ocean (Wii)

    Does it sink or swim?

    It might seem an unlikely premise for a game, but Endless Ocean fits perfectly with Nintendo’s “Touch Generations” label by being cerebral as well as entertaining and offering experiences many people dream about: floating among tropical fish in beautiful coral reefs, or bounding through the wide ocean with bottlenose...

  • News Family Trainer - The Next Wii Craze You Won't Be Able To Avoid

    Looks a bit like a dance mat to us, but what do we know?

    Namco Bandai has released promotional shots for the latest 'must have' Wii item. To our untrained eyes it looks more than a little like a traditional dance mat, a revolutionary accessory that first saw the light of day back in the Playstation era. Here's the scoop from Kotaku: Taking a page...

  • News Smash Bros Brawl Delayed Yet Again?

    Mario and company might not be kicking ass as soon as you expected

    Those of you looking forward to the release of Super Smash Bros Brawl (that's pretty much everyone, then) will no doubt be upset to know that rumours are currently doing the rounds that the game has been delayed yet again. SPOnG reports: GameFly, a games rental service in the...

  • News No More Heroes - Another Wii Flop?

    More doom and gloom for third party publishers

    Regular readers of NintendoLife would be forgiven for thinking that we’ve been getting out of the wrong side of the bed for the past week or so. The number of downbeat and negative news stories appearing is on the rise and sadly we’re about to add yet another. Although we’re a bit on the late side...

  • News Captain Olimar Joins Smash Bros Brawl

    Pikmin squad is surpisingly good in a scrap

    He may not top your list of videogame characters that you’d like to have on your side in a fight, but Pikmin’s Captain Olimar has nevertheless been confirmed for Nintendo's Super Smash Bros Brawl. His attacks would appear to involve picking up the various Pikmin and hurling them towards enemies, but...

  • Feature Castlevania: The Nintendo Years

    Fangs for the memories

    Although Konami’s influential vampire slaying franchise has since gone on to find success on several different hardware platforms, the association with the Nintendo NES is arguably what made the series so famous worldwide. The trio of 8-bit Castlevania titles remain highly regarded by fans and still stand up to scrutiny even...

  • News Painful Wii Injuries Shocker

    Who are these idiots and what are they doing with their Wiimotes?

    Everyone loves a good scare story, don’t they? I’m sure we all recall the tales of SNES games making kids have fits in the early ‘90s and the relatively flimsy evidence supplied to support this theory. Well, it seems that history is repeating itself. The Wii has been so popular...

  • News The Queen Says: "Wii ARE Amused"

    Ruler of the Land likes to swing a Wiimote every now and then

    Nintendo’s cup runneth over. Not only is the company riding high in terms of worldwide hardware and software sales, it would appear that it also has fans in very lofty places. UK tabloid The People has reported that Her Majesty The Queen of England has recently become hooked on the...

  • Review Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 (Wii)

    Lt. Berg must defeat those ever-baddies the Nazis in this latest from the Medal of Honor series.

    EA bring another Medal Of Honor title to Wii, this time built from the ground up for the system and features the oh-so familiar style of the series. Although Medal of Honor might be a minor side-note on the CV of a certain Steven Spielberg the series has...

  • News PES 2008 Gameplay Video Revealed

    Lots of shaking and dribbling involved

    Konami of Japan has released a gameplay video for the upcoming Winning Eleven: Play Maker 2008. The more astute amongst you will know that Winning Eleven is the Japanese title for the Pro Evolution Soccer series. The video shows us two things: firstly, the game is looking mighty fine graphically and secondly,...

  • News Nintendo Triumphant In Japan This Christmas

    Videogame giant is unstoppable on home soil

    Early figures from Famitsu magazine indicate that Nintendo has dominated the Japanese sales charts over the Christmas period. Although a PS2 title (Super Robot Taisen Original Generation Gaiden) took the number one position, a quick glance at the rest of the top 20 shows that the Big N is firmly in...

  • News Feel The Force With New Lightsaber Holsters

    The legal team of Lucasarts may have something to say about these

    Cheap plastic holsters for your Wiimote are nothing new and third party peripheral manufacturers are practically falling over themselves to produce even more outlandish (and ultimately pointless) pieces of ‘controller clothing’. However, one item that did impress us in a...

  • News Nintendo Deny That Sadness Exists

    Promising survival horror is something of a phantom

    Sadness is a game that many Wii owners got excited about when it was first ‘announced’ by developer Nibris quite some time ago. The concept of a stylish black & white survival horror positively dripped tension and foreboding, and the production artwork looked extremely intriguing. However,...

  • News Zack & Wiki Sinks Without Trace At Retail

    Shame on you all!

    Zack & Wiki, otherwise known as Capcom’s ode to the classic ‘point and click’ adventures of old, is a fantastic game. It’s heartening to see a developer like Capcom putting so much effort into brand new intellectual property and it’s even more encouraging when the end product is so wonderfully polished and enjoyable...

  • News Wii Fit: Famitsu Preview Scans

    Thanks to Nintendo, the promise of a God-like physique is almost with us

    Japanese magazine Famitsu has just published a pretty in-depth guide to all things Wii Fit. The game has done impressive business over in Japan and looks certain to repeat this performance when it’s released alongside the Wii balance board controller in the West this year...

  • News No Rock Band For Wii?

    For the time being, it would appear not

    EA’s Rock Band has been thrilling music loving gamers on the PS3, PS2 and 360, but EA doesn’t seem too keen on bringing the game to the Wii – at least not yet, anyway. Back in April 2007, Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos got everyone’s hopes up with a series of comments that seemed to indicate Rock Band was...

  • News Virtual Console Coming To The DS?

    Reggie speaks about the upcoming game download service on the DS

    The rumours have been circulating for quite some time but the concept of downloading ‘complete’ games to your Nintendo DS is becoming a reality, if a recent interview with Reggie is anything to go by. Nintendo’s main man spoke to the New York Times recently about the new...

  • Feature 10 Games We'd Like To See On The Wii

    Is it too late to ask Santa for these?

    The runaway success of Nintendo’s Wii has granted many publishers and developers a bit more freedom to experiment with their software. With such a massive installed base of users, software houses can be a little bolder with their ideas because chances are even brave failures will shift a few copies. Here at...

  • News Flipping Wii Lids

    If your life is haunted by the flaps on your Wii, salvation may be at hand...

    The Wii is a lovely looking machine with a superb design. However, there’s one element that lets the console down – the bloody flaps that covers the Gamecube ports and memory card slots. They're flimsy at the best of times and often fail to close correctly, causing...

  • Review High School Musical: Sing It! (Wii)

    Disney's unstoppable High School Musical franchise may represent permission to print money, but has the toe-tapping magic of the movies been retained for this Wii release?

    In order to bring you the best Nintendo coverage we possibly can here at NintendoLife, we sometimes have to bite the bullet, pull up our socks and make some painful sacrifices...

  • News Samba De Amigo Wii - Gearbox Speaks

    The FPS expert is bringing the Dreamcast classic bang up to date, so dust off your maracas, people

    Brothers in Arms developer Gearbox Software may not be a name that instantly springs to mind when considering which software house should be tasked with updating the Sega classic Samba de Amiga, but the company has nevertheless been awarded that...

  • News Sega Hint At More Wii-based NiGHTS Titles

    After waiting over a decade it seems that Sega are willing to milk the franchise for all it's worth

    It may not have lived up to the expectations of many fans, but Sega’s NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams has obviously performed well enough at retail for its developers to be considering future titles and it would appear that the Wii is the favoured...


  • Review Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

    Umbrella have since been defeated, but how exactly did it all happen?

    Resident Evil, one of the biggest gaming series around today, has already landed on Wii with a port of the ever-popular Resident Evil 4. Capcom no doubt saw the innovative Wiimote and impressive sales figures as a new opportunity to expand the series even more. The Umbrella...

  • Review NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii)

    Ah NiGHTS.. you're finally here, it's been a long time coming, so how does it measure up?

    Journey of dreams, the sequel SEGA Saturn fanboys have been waiting 10 years for, after all those rumours its finally here, but was it ever going to live up to the cult following surrounding the original, NiGHTS Into Dreams? Our hero is NiGHTS, a Nightopian who...

  • News Wii And DS Dominate In Japan

    Sony and Microsoft struggle to get a look in

    Sony’s Gran Turismo 5 Prologue may have entered the Japanese sales charts in the top 5 but a cursory glace at the rest of the chart should make depressing reading for anyone not affiliated with Nintendo. The Wii and DS continue to dominate the Japanese market in a way that hasn’t been seen since the...

  • News Fresh Mario Kart Wii Details Emerge

    Cunning stunts are now included!

    UK site Eurogamer has recently picked up on some more Mario Kart Wii details, thanks to US magazine Nintendo Power. We already know that the game will feature online play for up to 12 participants, but the big news here is that some kind of stunt system will also be included to spice up proceedings. Performing tricks...

  • News Smoking Pot = No Guitar Hero III, Sonnyjim

    Living the rock and roll lifestyle doesn't always pay off, it would seem.

    This rather amusing ebay auction has recently come to our attention here at NintendoLife. Turns out that one parent, annoyed by the fact that he caught his good-for-nothing son smoking weed in his backyard, decided to teach him a lesson by selling his Christmas present on...

    • Wii
  • News Nintendo Snubbed By Greenpeace

    Going green

    Greenpeace'ers snub Nintendo in a new energy report, designed to inform consumers of how "green" the manufacturer is. Environmental watchdog group Greenpeace has released its latest Guide to Greener Electronics, detailing the environmental responsibility of global consumer electronics companies, and given Nintendo the first zero grade...

  • Review Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Wii)

    Why did adventure games disappear?

    Innovation is a big reason that I play games. Playing the same game rehashed over and over again bores me senseless. So when a new idea for a game comes along, like Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure, I turn into a kid at a theme park, running to buy it. The story behind the game deals with Zack and...

  • Review The Golden Compass (Wii)

    Shape-changing sprites, death-dealing polar bears and lots of snow. Shiny Entertainment attempts to transform one of this year's biggest films into a half-decent videogame. Has the company succeeded? Read on...

    Where would videogame developers be without the humble Christmas Hollywood blockbuster? At the end of each year we witness a raft of...

  • News Wii - TOO Popular?

    According to the BBC, Nintendo UK are considering putting a halt on advertising for Wii this Christmas season, because of its struggle to keep up with demand.

    Nintendo is considering pulling UK television advertising for its popular Wii console in the run up to Christmas because it is battling to meet demand. It said that holding back adverts until...

  • Review Need For Speed: ProStreet (Wii)

    EA go back to basics with the latest entry in the stunningly successful NFS series - has the company done enough to bring back old fans?

    Need for Speed has been with us for over a decade now. Since making its debut on the ill-fated 3DO console, EA’s premier racing franchise has gone from being a fairly inoffensive car fan’s dream to a loud and...

  • Competition Mario & Sonic T-Shirt!

    Thanks to our friends at SEGA we have a fantastic Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games "Team Mario" T-Shirt to give away!

    In Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, players will compete in events that take place in environments based on the official venues of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Using a supporting cast of characters from the amazing worlds...

  • Review WWE Smackdown! vs RAW 2008 (Wii)

    We're too depressed for jokes about sweaty men and spandex

    We’ll admit from the start that we truly believe this is the most difficult game this reviewer ever had to rate. Ever. And unfortunately it’s a flaw that comes from the fact that the Wii has been an absolutely massive commercial hit. You see the main problem with WWE Smackdown VS. RAW...


  • News Wii Impressions- A Year On

    The NintendoLife staff voice their own opinions of the Wii...

    For our second article in the Year Of Wii feature, the staff at NintendoLife sit down and have a round-table discussion; debating and discussing each others views... The following is straight from the horses mouth, with no alterations from Mr Editor. Tom: I have to admit that when the...

  • Review Smarty Pants (Wii)

    Your starter for ten: Is EA's latest franchise worth a look?

    Quiz games are something of a pet peeve for me. Being a hot-blooded male I obviously loathe TV quiz shows, and the particularly cynical side of me can see straight through the numerous dial-in competitions that exist purely to generate additional revenue for TV stations. However, the...

  • Review EA Playground (Wii)

    If your memories of the school playground feature scary bullies and kiss chase, then you might want to let EA's latest kiddie-friendly title repair the damage.

    There was a time when publishers were seen as the trendsetters in this industry. When Rockstar released Grand Theft Auto it tapped into the consciousness of the gaming public, triggering a...

  • Review Link's Crossbow Training (Wii)

    After Twilight Princess fades away Link is back in training and he needs your help!

    Our hero Link returns to the Wii rather sooner than expected in the form of Link's Crossbow Training, a shooting game set in the world of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The game has been created by Nintendo to demonstrate the use of the Wii Zapper, the...

  • Review Ghost Squad (Wii)

    Can arcade light gun games really work on Wii? Ghost Squad steps up to the test.

    SEGA, one of the masters of arcade shooters, are the first to bring one of their heavyweight light gun titles to the Wii, courtesy of the Wii Zapper- a gun shaped plastic housing for your Wiimote and Nunchuck. The Wii Zapper isn't required, it simply adds a little...

  • Review NBA Live 08 (Wii)

    It may just be netball with movement, but basketball is huge with our friends across the pond. Does that result in a decent videogame though?

    Reviewing American sports titles is always a difficult proposition when you’re a Brit. Sporting games rely on the player having an understanding or passion for the subject matter, and that is obviously...

  • Review Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)

    Welcome stranger.

    We know, we know. This review is a little late. I was going to make up some long winded story about how I had the review written out before a bunch of the undead stole my hard drive and took me on a wild goose chase around Raccoon City before I could get it back. I didn't think you'd believe that story though so I'll just come...

  • Competition Rayman Raving Rabbids 2: Goodie Giveaway

    To celebrate the invasion of our planet by the Rabbids, were giving away four Rayman Raving Rabbids goodie bags...

    Last week saw the release of Rayman Raving Rabbids 2: The fantastically addictive multiplayer game where you get up to a series of crazy, and painful, mini-games. The stars of the show are the legions of deranged Rabbids: These...

  • Review Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)

    Mario & Sonic are all set to fight for the Gold Medal, but is the game worthy of an Olympic accolade?

    Hell has officially frozen over; Mario and Sonic appear together for the first time ever. If this idea had been suggested 10 to 15 years ago, you'd probably have been locked up and forgotten about. Times have changed dramatically since then: we now...

  • Review Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (Wii)

    The Rabbids Are Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    [screenshot=46cc118319213]Those Charming Rabbids Are Back!If I learnt one thing last Christmas, it was this; Rabbit's Wii Violence = Hilarity. Or to put it another way; I discovered the joys of Rayman Raving Rabbids. With this title Ubisoft gave the world a prime example of how to make a good, fun, energetic...

  • Feature Mario Galaxy Receives Universal Acclaim

    Pretty much everyone hails Super Mario Galaxy as the game receives more and more perfect reviews, easily Wii's most critically awarded title thus far.

    Launched on Monday in the US and tomorrow in Europe, Super Mario Galaxy has earnt a average score of 98% on critic collection site, MetaCritic. The site has 28 recorded reviews from various big name...

  • Review Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (Wii)

    Golf may consist of silly clothing and long walks, but it hasn't stopped EA from releasing yet another edition of its long-running PGA Tour series.

    The first Tiger Woods game for the Wii was perfectly enjoyable representation of golf that fully embraced the possibilities of the Wiimote setup. The impact was lessened slightly by the fact that Wii...

  • News Rayman Raving Rabbids 2: Community Event

    Party with the Rabbids...

    One of the surprise titles of the Wii's launch was Rayman Raving Rabbids. This bunny infested title took the Rayman franchise in a direction its never been before; away from adventure, and into the realms of mini-games. If you've read my review, you will know I thought highly of this game. So when, almost a year on, I am...

  • Review Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    Simply out of this galaxy

    Ah, Mario. It's been a while... believe it or not it's been five years since Mario's last personal outing; Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube. Our hero has returned for his first Wii outing, in the form of Super Mario Galaxy. Let's get something clear from the start: Galaxy is definitely not a straight forward successor...

  • Review The Simpsons Game (Wii)

    The Simpsons make their début appearance on the Wii...

    Usually, we start these reviews with an introduction to the game and its history... but we don't think we need to bother this time. We all know who the Simpsons are, and we've enjoyed their humour on more than one occasion. There have been some good games (Hit N' Run), some average games (Road...

  • Review The Sims 2: Castaway (Wii)

    "Not another Sims game," Sammy screamed, "When will they ever learn?"

    I think it’s pretty bloody important to state at the start of this review that I hate The Sims. I always have done and I always will do. It’s unstructured, overly pointless and just straight up dull. However I have to admit that the AI on the PC versions (at the time) was...

  • Review Ninjabread Man (Wii)

    Ninjabread Man brings some much needed platforming action to our Wii's, but is it any good?

    With a name like Ninjabread Man, it was hard to ignore this one. Just look at our hero, its a Gingerbread man that can do Ninja stuff- you don't get much cooler than that. I was a little nervous of what Ninjabread Man would be like- after all it is from a...

  • News Iwata Asks About Super Mario Galaxy

    The head honcho of Nintendo talks to the developers of Super Mario Galaxy in a series of interviews.

    Following on from the 'Iwata asks' series of interviews around the launch of the Wii, the top dog of Nintendo talks to the developers of Super Mario Galaxy about the latest Mario game. Here's a short extract: Shimizu:So we had quite a few members of...


  • Feature Zack & Wiki Out Now!

    Yesterday marked the release of Zack & Wiki by Capcom in the US, perhaps the sleeper hit of the winter?

    Early reviews have been extremely positive towards the pirate themed adventure game with well known media giants IGN giving the game a impressive 9.0/10. Every once in a while we stumble upon a surprisingly excellent videogame - a title whose...

  • Feature Famitsu Gives Super Mario Galaxy 38/40

    Near perfect scores from the imfamous Japanese magazine, could this be a Mario 64 beater we're all hoping for?

    Famitsu, the biggest video game magazine in Japan, are the first to review "the second coming", Super Mario Galaxy for the Nintendo Wii, and they have given it a score of 38/40. 2 reviewers gave it a 9, and the other 2 a perfect 10. For...

  • Review FIFA 08 (Wii)

    The much-maligned FIFA franchise finally hits the Wii. Does this latest instalment do enough to step out of the shadow of the excellent Mario Strikers: Charged?

    There was a time when the latest FIFA release would send most self-respecting football fans running for the hills in dismay. Although the series started brightly with a wonderful debut on...

  • Review MySims (Wii)

    EA's astonishingly successful Sims series is given a lick of 'cute' paint. The result is MySims - but is it any good?

    Electronic Arts is a company that can make or break a videogames console. Although the publisher’s output isn’t always associated with quality, the popularity of its franchises can prove vital when it comes to winning the console...

  • News Nintendo Embraces The Grey Market

    Wii is for everyone, that includes your grand parents. Last Nintendo went to The Carter Burden Center for the Aging to show us exactly whats replacing shuffle board.

    In this photo provided by Nintendo, Lillian Faybik, 87, of Manhattan, plays baseball on the Wii from Nintendo, Friday, Sept. 28, 2007, at The Carter Burden Center for the Aging in New...


  • News Quick! Super Mario The Lost Levels Almost Lost

    Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, originally released on the Famicon and then again on the Virtual Console last month, will be deleted off the VC list in just over an hour.

    Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels is the original sequel to Super Mario Bros. and was only released in Japan. The game was very difficult and for this reason it wasn't...

  • Review Boogie (Wii)

    It's time to grab the mic and shake your money-maker, because EA's Boogie is about to hit the dancefloor...

    Music-based games – often assigned the rather auspicious genre title of ‘rhythm action’ – are big business these days. Titles like SingStar, Dancing Stage and Guitar Hero are massive sellers, attracting thousands upon thousands of...

  • Review Madden NFL 08 (Wii)

    We Brits may see it as 'Rugby with padding' but American Football is as popular as ever and the latest Madden release from EA Sports is promising big things. Does it deliver?

    Devout patrons of NintendoLife will no doubt recall that we quite liked Madden NFL 07; the unique use of motion-sensitive gestures lent the game an incredibly intuitive and...

  • Review Tamagotchi Party On! (Wii)

    Bandai's virtual pet franchise has now made the leap to the Wii and is attempting to steal Wario Ware's mini-game crown...has it succeeded?

    Exploitation of children is a terrible thing. It’s a sad fact that in some parts of the world nefarious employers will think nothing of paying youngsters a pittance to work in poorly ventilated sweat shops in...

  • Review Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)

    Samus' gunship finally lands on Wii, should you believe the hype? Are the controls as good as we hoped?

    Samus is finally unleashed on Wii. Originally a title pegged for launch, Metroid fans have been drooling almost a year longer than expected. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is billed as the final part of the Metroid Prime trilogy and somewhat carries...


  • Review Transformers: The Game (Wii)

    Is there 'more than meets the eye' when it comes to Activision's latest movie tie-in, or does it replicate the slightly disappointing feel of the big-budget movie it's based on?

    If you happen to be a child of the 80s then the appeal of Transformers shouldn’t need any explanation. The seminal early morning cartoon series - coupled with a...


  • News Latest NiGHTS Information

    Sega have revealed two new characters for the upcoming NiGHTS sequel due for release in November.

    "As a fantasy jester called NiGHTS, players will fly through Nightopia, a rich and vibrant world where dreams come to life. With the innovative Wii Remote, gamers will experience a heightened sense of gliding, spiraling, and looping through a variety of...

  • E3 2007 Nintendo Media Briefing Photos

    Nintendo release some lovely photos from the Media Briefing

    "The remarkable Wii Remote™ and touch screen and voice recognition of Nintendo DS removed the barriers to entry and put video games into the hands of young women, moms, dads and grandparents. Gamers now find they have a whole new population of people willing to join them in their gaming...

  • E3 2007 SoulCalibur Legends


    Namco show off the new direction for its SoulCalibur franchise, this time the action adventure title Legends. "SoulCalibur, the unparalleled weapon based fighting game franchise, reinvents itself as Soulcalibur Legends, a 3rd person action adventure, exclusively for the Nintendo Wii console. Soulcalibur Legends follows the 16th century...

  • E3 2007 Wii Balance Board

    Nintendo also unveiled the Wii Balance Board today this accessory will accompany the Wii Fit title.

    The Balance Board is a step pad which will allow realtime detection of steps, twists, push ups and a whole variety of other activities related to the shift of balance across the pads. Accompanied with the peripheral will be Wii software titled Wii...

  • News Oh Beautiful Katamari

    Wii've been dumped

    IGN reports that Namco have dumped the PS3 version of Katamari Damacy sequel, Beautiful Katamari, in favour of a brand new Wii version. "Namco Bandai revealed earlier this year that it was developing the next-generation Katamari Damacy sequel, Beautiful Katamari, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Up until recently, the developer...

  • Review Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Wii)

    The Boy Who Lived makes his debut on the Nintendo Wii. Has the shift to new hardware reinvigorated the young spell caster or will this movie tie-in share the same lamentable fate as previous instalments?

    Since the very early days of videogames, publishers have seen the advantages a popular movie license can bring. Throughout the years we’ve...

  • Review The Sims 2: Pets (Wii)

    Big Brother; noun. (1) an authoritarian leader and invader of privacy; (2) an older brother; (3) a dire commercial television series fuelling Channel 4 with ample funds to screen “Top 100” countdowns for the remaining ten months of the year when the show isn’t airing.

    I think my loathing of Big Brother rubbed off on my will to play such games...


  • News Super Paper Mario Due In September

    The quarter 3 Nintendo release dates are in and there is still quite a long haul until Super Paper Mario finally hits UK stores.

    Q3 Wii Release Schedule * Resident Evil: 4 Wii edition (Capcom) 29th June 2007 * Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix (EA) 29th June 2007 * Scarface (Vivendi Games) 30th June 2007 * Mortal Kombat:...

  • Review Mercury Meltdown Revolution (Wii)

    Bored of companies cashing in on the Wii craze by lazily tacking on motion sensing control? So are we. However, Ignition Banbury buck the trend in spectacular fashion by giving us a title that is so perfectly realized it’s hard to imagine it was ever available on any other machine.

    Even the most stubbornly loyal Sony fanboy would admit, albeit...

  • Competition Win A Copy Of Trioncube For DS

    To celebrate today's European launch of Trioncube for Nintendo DS, we've teamed up with Atari to give away 3 copies of the game to members of the site.

    "In Trioncube, the player takes the role of the captain on the mighty space ship Penko and embarks on a journey across eight planets into the depths of space to rescue the fair princess from the...


  • Review Mario Strikers Charged (Wii)

    Another frantic season of arcade style football action

    Some of you will remember Mario Smash Football on the Gamecube, Mario Strikers: Charged Football simply builds on that original concept, adding a few new features and ideas but is generally the same game updated for Wii. One of the big additions that has been heavily promoted by Nintendo is...

  • Review Medal of Honor: Vanguard (Wii)

    Surprisingly still playing it months later, we decided to revisit this war game to see what lessons can be learnt for furture first person shooters.

    What to say about the game that has already been extensively put through the media machine. As a major Wii title, you will find tens of reviews about the game all over the internet and popular game...

  • News Sega's Ghost Squad

    Virtua Cop developers to try their hands at a Wii Shoot-em-up in the form of Ghost Squad, coming early next year.

    "Set in a world overrun with terrorism where the U.N. has been forced into creating the Global Humanitarian-Operation and Special Tactics Squad aka “Ghost Squad.” This team of elite soldiers comprise of the best of the best from both...